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Land   /lænd/   Listen

The land on which real estate is located.
Material in the top layer of the surface of the earth in which plants can grow (especially with reference to its quality or use).  Synonyms: ground, soil.  "Good agricultural soil"
Territory over which rule or control is exercised.  Synonyms: demesne, domain.  "He made it the law of the land"
The solid part of the earth's surface.  Synonyms: dry land, earth, ground, solid ground, terra firma.  "The earth shook for several minutes" , "He dropped the logs on the ground"
The territory occupied by a nation.  Synonyms: country, state.  "He visited several European countries"
A domain in which something is dominant.  Synonyms: kingdom, realm.  "A land of make-believe" , "The rise of the realm of cotton in the south"
Extensive landed property (especially in the country) retained by the owner for his own use.  Synonyms: acres, demesne, estate, landed estate.
The people who live in a nation or country.  Synonyms: country, nation.  "The news was announced to the nation" , "The whole country worshipped him"
A politically organized body of people under a single government.  Synonyms: body politic, commonwealth, country, nation, res publica, state.  "African nations" , "Students who had come to the nation's capitol" , "The country's largest manufacturer" , "An industrialized land"
United States inventor who incorporated Polaroid film into lenses and invented the one step photographic process (1909-1991).  Synonyms: Din Land, Edwin Herbert Land.
Agriculture considered as an occupation or way of life.  Synonym: farming.  "There's no work on the land any more"
(past & past part. landed; pres. part. landing)
Reach or come to rest.  Synonym: set down.  "The plane landed in Istanbul"
Cause to come to the ground.  Synonyms: bring down, put down.
Bring into a different state.  Synonym: bring.
Bring ashore.
Deliver (a blow).
Arrive on shore.  Synonyms: set ashore, shore.
Shoot at and force to come down.  Synonyms: down, shoot down.

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"Land" Quotes from Famous Books

... softened by his amusement, and they resumed their tramp, rising higher and higher as they kept up a diagonal course along the mountain slope; but the difficulties in the way, and the caution requisite in passing through what they felt to be a dangerous enemy's land, made the progress slow, and after a time they seated themselves for a rest upon one of the many moss-grown masses of lava rock they passed, beneath an umbrageous tree, in which a flock of tiny finch-like birds were twittering, ...
— Jack at Sea - All Work and no Play made him a Dull Boy • George Manville Fenn

... troubled herself with fancies that the doctor might, perhaps, suspect all the truth; and though she succeeded in dismissing the idea as absurd, yet the trouble which she experienced from it was sufficient to agitate her in many ways. That fever-haunted land of delirium, out of which she had of late emerged, was still near enough to throw over her soul its dark and terrific shadows. It needed but a slight word from the doctor, or from any one else, to revive the accursed memories of ...
— The Cryptogram - A Novel • James De Mille

... whom I hate. This pirate career suits me. What is society to me, whom it has ostracised? I was a gentleman once—quick at books, pleasing in company, shrewd in business. They say that I have power still, but lack integrity. Be it so! Better a freebooter at sea than upon the land. I have half made up my mind to evil. Hugenot, listen to me! I believe that were I to do one bad, dark deed, it would restore me ...
— Bohemian Days - Three American Tales • Geo. Alfred Townsend

... wood and take their pay in trees. These trees, the lads explained, were to be felled and used to construct a log cabin on the lake shore. As part of the bargain they asked for permission to use a section of Dr. Lyman's land that bordered the lake as ...
— The Boy Scout Fire Fighters • Irving Crump

... be soon equal," said the beggar, looking out upon the strife of the waters"they are sae already; for I hae nae land, and you would give your fair bounds and barony for a square yard of rock that would be ...
— The Antiquary, Complete • Sir Walter Scott

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