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Allowance   /əlˈaʊəns/   Listen

An amount allowed or granted (as during a given period).  "My weekly allowance of two eggs" , "A child's allowance should not be too generous"
A sum granted as reimbursement for expenses.
An amount added or deducted on the basis of qualifying circumstances.  Synonym: adjustment.
A permissible difference; allowing some freedom to move within limits.  Synonyms: leeway, margin, tolerance.
A reserve fund created by a charge against profits in order to provide for changes in the value of a company's assets.  Synonyms: allowance account, valuation account, valuation reserve.
The act of allowing.
(past & past part. allowancing)
Put on a fixed allowance, as of food.

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"Allowance" Quotes from Famous Books

... Williams would have indignantly repelled the charge of starving Nelly, but she forgot the requirements of a fast-growing girl. Everything eatable was kept rigidly locked up,—that was a fundamental principle of Mrs. Williams' housekeeping,—and Nelly's allowance was sometimes so scanty, and at other times composed of such an uninviting collection of scraps, that she often had not sufficient nourishment to repair the waste of strength which she was continually undergoing. And as she would rather ...
— Lucy Raymond - Or, The Children's Watchword • Agnes Maule Machar

... were forced to turn northward; and when camping time came, after they had dug their due allowance of clams and gathered their breadfruit and made their fire in the edge of the woods, they held conclave ...
— Darkness and Dawn • George Allan England

... over land and sea, he had been able to close it three times in the course of fifty years. His liberalities are equally surprising. Sometimes they took the form of free distributions of corn, oil, or wine; sometimes of an allowance of money. He asserts that he spent in gifts the sum of six hundred and twenty millions of sestertii, nearly twenty-six millions of dollars. Adding to this sum the cost of purchasing lands for his veterans in Italy (six hundred millions) ...
— Pagan and Christian Rome • Rodolfo Lanciani

... shall say whether the father by that provision in his will did not drive home a stern lesson in economy? Commodore Vanderbilt had so much distrust of his son William's capacity for business that he exiled him to a Long Island farm, on an allowance. Years after, when William had shown his ability to outstrip his father, he rebuked a critic who volunteered a suggestion to the effect that the father had erred in the boy problem. Said William, "My father was right in this, as in most other ...
— Little Journeys to the Homes of the Great Philosophers, Volume 8 • Elbert Hubbard

... else in sight—not one boy in the class out of whom Keith might hope to make a friend. Leaving other factors aside, his lack of pocket money was sufficient to keep him apart from the rest. They all had some sort of allowance, however scant, and they took turns treating each other to pastry or candy bought from a couple of old women who brought basketfuls, to the school doors during every pause. He had to beg especially for every oere, he couldn't get much ...
— The Soul of a Child • Edwin Bjorkman

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