verb (past & past part. carried; pres. part. carrying) 1.Move while supporting, either in a vehicle or in one's hands or on one's body. Synonym: transport. "Carry the suitcases to the car" , "This train is carrying nuclear waste" , "These pipes carry waste water into the river" 2.Have with oneself; have on one's person. Synonyms: pack, take. "I always carry money" , "She packs a gun when she goes into the mountains" 4.Serve as a means for expressing something. Synonyms: convey, express. "His voice carried a lot of anger" 5.Bear or be able to bear the weight, pressure,or responsibility of. "How many credits is this student carrying?" , "We carry a very large mortgage" 6.Support or hold in a certain manner. Synonyms: bear, hold. "He carried himself upright" 7.Contain or hold; have within. Synonyms: bear, contain, hold. "The canteen holds fresh water" , "This can contains water" 8.Extend to a certain degree. "She carries her ideas to the extreme" 9.Continue or extend. Synonym: extend. "The disease extended into the remote mountain provinces" 10.Be necessarily associated with or result in or involve. 12.Include, as on a list. 13.Behave in a certain manner. Synonyms: acquit, bear, behave, comport, conduct, deport. "He bore himself with dignity" , "They conducted themselves well during these difficult times" 15.Include as the content; broadcast or publicize. Synonym: run. "This paper carries a restaurant review" , "All major networks carried the press conference" 16.Propel,. Synonym: dribble. "Dribble the ball" 17.Pass on a communication. 18.Have as an inherent or characteristic feature or have as a consequence. "The loan carries a high interest rate" , "This undertaking carries many dangers" , "She carries her mother's genes" , "These bonds carry warrants" , "The restaurant carries an unusual name" 19.Be conveyed over a certain distance. 20.Keep up with financial support. 21.Have or possess something abstract. "I will carry the secret to my grave" , "I carry these thoughts in the back of my head" , "I carry a lot of life insurance" 22.Be equipped with (a mast or sail). 23.Win approval or support for. Synonyms: persuade, sway. "His speech did not sway the voters" 24.Compensate for a weaker partner or member by one's own performance. 25.Take further or advance. 26.Have on the surface or on the skin. 27.Capture after a fight. 28.Transfer (entries) from one account book to another. Synonym: post. 29.Transfer (a number, cipher, or remainder) to the next column or unit's place before or after, in addition or multiplication. 30.Pursue a line of scent or be a bearer. 32.Propel or give impetus to. 33.Drink alcohol without showing ill effects. Synonym: hold. "He had drunk more than he could carry" 36.Cover a certain distance or advance beyond. 37.Secure the passage or adoption (of bills and motions). 39.Sing or play against other voices or parts. noun (pl. carries) 1.The act of carrying something.
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