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Decline   /dɪklˈaɪn/   Listen

Change toward something smaller or lower.  Synonym: diminution.
A condition inferior to an earlier condition; a gradual falling off from a better state.  Synonym: declination.
A gradual decrease; as of stored charge or current.  Synonym: decay.
A downward slope or bend.  Synonyms: declension, declination, declivity, descent, downslope, fall.
(past & past part. declined; pres. part. declining)
Grow worse.  Synonym: worsen.
Refuse to accept.  Synonyms: pass up, refuse, reject, turn down.
Show unwillingness towards.  Synonym: refuse.
Grow smaller.  Synonyms: go down, wane.
Go down.
Go down in value.  Synonyms: correct, slump.  "Prices slumped"
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"Decline" Quotes from Famous Books

... that was in fact induced by his anxiety over his prospective prosecution of Higgleby. Whereas erstwhile he had been smug and condescending, complacent, lethargic and ponderous, he now became drawn, nervous, apprehensive and obsequious. Moreover, he was markedly thinner. He was obviously on a decline, caused by sheer funk. Speak sharply to him and he would shy like a frightened pony. The Honorable Peckham was enraptured, claiming now to have a system of getting even with people that beat the invention of Torquemada. When it was represented to him that Caput might die, fade away entirely, ...
— By Advice of Counsel • Arthur Train

... believe that it was absolutely necessary when the concrete case arose to repudiate the principle to which we had thus committed ourselves. But it was a shameful thing to have put ourselves in such a position that it had to be repudiated, and it was inexcusable of us to decline to follow the principle in the case of the Lusitania without at the same time making frank confession of our error and misconduct by notifying all the powers with whom we had already made the treaties ...
— New York Times Current History; The European War, Vol 2, No. 5, August, 1915 • Various

... and thin, worrying myself to death.—Even Lady Dasher saw the change in me, hinting one day to the vicar, in my hearing, that she was positive I was in a decline, or suffering from heart-disease, and that office-work was really too hard ...
— She and I, Volume 2 - A Love Story. A Life History. • John Conroy Hutcheson

... resignations, Your Majesty has in Cabinet Council at the Palace of Stockholm on May 27th, decreed: "As it is clear to me that no other Cabinet can at present be formed, I decline to accept the resignations tendered by ...
— The Swedish-Norwegian Union Crisis - A History with Documents • Karl Nordlund

... which he casually mentioned the fact that land scrip had declined until it was offered on the streets of the capital as low as twenty dollars a section. He knew I had been dabbling in land certificates, and in a friendly spirit wanted to post me on their decline, and had incidentally mentioned the fact for my information. Some inkling of horse sense told me that I ought to secure more land, and after thinking the matter over, I wrote to a merchant in Austin, and had him buy me one hundred sections. He was very anxious to purchase a second hundred ...
— Reed Anthony, Cowman • Andy Adams

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