verb (past & past part. extended; pres. part. extending) 1.Extend in scope or range or area. Synonyms: broaden, widen. "Widen the range of applications" , "Broaden your horizon" , "Extend your backyard" 2.Stretch out over a distance, space, time, or scope; run or extend between two points or beyond a certain point. Synonyms: go, lead, pass, run. "His knowledge doesn't go very far" , "My memory extends back to my fourth year of life" , "The facts extend beyond a consideration of her personal assets" 3.Span an interval of distance, space or time. Synonyms: continue, cover. "The period covered the turn of the century" , "My land extends over the hills on the horizon" , "This farm covers some 200 acres" , "The Archipelago continues for another 500 miles" 4.Make available; provide. Synonym: offer. "The bank offers a good deal on new mortgages" 7.Offer verbally. Synonym: offer. "He offered his sympathy" 8.Extend one's limbs or muscles, or the entire body. Synonym: stretch. "Extend your right arm above your head" 9.Expand the influence of. Synonym: expand. 10.Lengthen in time; cause to be or last longer. Synonyms: draw out, prolong, protract. "She extended her visit by another day" , "The meeting was drawn out until midnight" 11.Extend or stretch out to a greater or the full length. Synonyms: stretch, stretch out, unfold. "Stretch out that piece of cloth" , "Extend the TV antenna" 12.Cause to move at full gallop. Synonym: gallop. 13.Open or straighten out; unbend. 14.Use to the utmost; exert vigorously or to full capacity. Synonym: strain. "Don't strain your mind too much" 15.Prolong the time allowed for payment of. 16.Continue or extend. Synonym: carry. "The disease extended into the remote mountain provinces" 17.Increase in quantity or bulk by adding a cheaper substance. Synonym: stretch. "Extend the casserole with a little rice"
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