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Seat   /sit/   Listen

A space reserved for sitting (as in a theater or on a train or airplane).  Synonym: place.  "He sat in someone else's place"
The fleshy part of the human body that you sit on.  Synonyms: arse, ass, backside, behind, bottom, bum, buns, butt, buttocks, can, derriere, fanny, fundament, hind end, hindquarters, keister, nates, posterior, prat, rear, rear end, rump, stern, tail, tail end, tooshie, tush.  "Are you going to sit on your fanny and do nothing?"
Furniture that is designed for sitting on.
Any support where you can sit (especially the part of a chair or bench etc. on which you sit).
A center of authority (as a city from which authority is exercised).
The location (metaphorically speaking) where something is based.
The legal right to sit as a member in a legislative or similar body.
A part of a machine that supports or guides another part.
The cloth covering for the buttocks.
(past & past part. seated; pres. part. seating)
Show to a seat; assign a seat for.  Synonyms: sit, sit down.
Be able to seat.
Place ceremoniously or formally in an office or position.  Synonyms: induct, invest.
Put a seat on a chair.
Provide with seats.
Place or attach firmly in or on a base.
Place in or on a seat.

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"Seat" Quotes from Famous Books

... this—Thy righteousness is in Heaven. The splendour and shining of the Spirit of grace upon my soul, gave me to see clearly that my righteousness, by which I should be justified, was the Son of God Himself representing me before the mercy-seat in His own Person; so that I saw clearly, that day and night, wherever I was, and whatever I was doing, there was my righteousness, just before the eyes of the Divine glory, and continually at the right hand of God. At another time, whilst musing, being afraid to die, these ...
— The Works of John Bunyan • John Bunyan

... my thanks, sir,' answered Stradella, wondering whether he were not in a dream, still sleeping on the stone seat in his cell. 'I can only hope to show you some day how grateful I am. ...
— Stradella • F(rancis) Marion Crawford

... good friends, dear Miss Shelton. Hush! I hear some one in the corridor; it cannot be Neville come back;" and Edna sprung up from her low seat with a heightened color; but as the door opened her voice fell. "No, it is only ...
— Our Bessie • Rosa Nouchette Carey

... Blount, for instance, had a handsome house in Knoxville, well fitted, as beseemed that of a man one of whose brothers still lived at Blount Hall, in the coast region of North Carolina, the ancestral seat of his forefathers for generations. [Footnote: Clay MSS., Blount to Hart, Knoxville, Feb. 9, 1794.] But by far the greatest number of these fine houses, and the largest class of gentry to dwell in them, were in Kentucky. ...
— The Winning of the West, Volume Four - Louisiana and the Northwest, 1791-1807 • Theodore Roosevelt

... was that the Colonel gathering under his hand the little sheaf of paper lamplighters which Chad had twisted, rose from his seat, picked up a slender glass that had once served his father ("only seben o' dat kind left," Chad told me) and which that faithful servitor had just filled from the flow of the old decanter of like period, and with a wave of his hand ...
— Colonel Carter's Christmas and The Romance of an Old-Fashioned Gentleman • F. Hopkinson Smith

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