Sermonize v. t. To preach or discourse to; to affect or influence by means of a sermon or of sermons. (R.) "Which of us shall sing or sermonize the other fast asleep?"
Sermonize v. i. (past & past part. sermonized; pres. part. sermonizing)
To compose or write a sermon or sermons; to preach.
... points, and, I suppose, amply sufficient to account, in any philosophic mind, for any amount of agony and distraction in a young man, like Dr. John. Still, I could not help forming half a wish that the said doctor were my brother; or at least that he had a sister or a mother who would kindly sermonize him. I say half a wish; I broke it, and flung it away before it became a whole one, discovering in good time its exquisite folly. "Somebody," I argued, "might as well sermonize Madame about her young physician: and what ... — Villette • Charlotte Bronte
... look like one; certainly it did not act like one. Any body's and every body's notion of a pleasure excursion is that the parties to it will of a necessity be young and giddy and somewhat boisterous. They will dance a good deal, sing a good deal, make love, but sermonize very little. Any body's and every body's notion of a well conducted funeral is that there must be a hearse and a corpse, and chief mourners and mourners by courtesy, many old people, much solemnity, no levity, and a prayer and a sermon withal. Three-fourths of the Quaker City's passengers ... — Innocents abroad • Mark Twain