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Shining   /ʃˈaɪnɪŋ/   Listen
Shine  v. t.  (past & past part. shone, archaic shined; pres. part. shining)  
To cause to shine, as a light. (Obs.) "He (God) doth not rain wealth, nor shine honor and virtues, upon men equally."
To make bright; to cause to shine by reflected light; as, in hunting, to shine the eyes of a deer at night by throwing a light on them. (U. S.)

Shine  v. i.  (past & past part. shone, archaic shined; pres. part. shining)  
To emit rays of light; to give light; to beam with steady radiance; to exhibit brightness or splendor; as, the sun shines by day; the moon shines by night. "Hyperion's quickening fire doth shine." "God, who commanded the light to shine out of darkness, hath shined in our hearts, to give the light of the knowledge of the glory of God in the face of Jesus Cghrist." "Let thine eyes shine forth in their full luster."
To be bright by reflection of light; to gleam; to be glossy; as, to shine like polished silver.
To be effulgent in splendor or beauty. "So proud she shined in her princely state." "Once brightest shined this child of heat and air."
To be eminent, conspicuous, or distinguished; to exhibit brilliant intellectual powers; as, to shine in courts; to shine in conversation. "Few are qualified to shine in company; but it in most men's power to be agreeable."
To make the face to shine upon, or To cause the face to shine upon, to be propitious to; to be gracious to.

Shining  adj.  
Emitting light, esp. in a continuous manner; radiant; as, shining lamps; also, bright by the reflection of light; as, shining armor. "Fish... with their fins and shining scales."
Splendid; illustrious; brilliant; distinguished; conspicious; as, a shining example of charity.
Having the surface smooth and polished; said of leaves, the surfaces of shells, etc.
Synonyms: Glistening; bright; radiant; resplendent; effulgent; lustrous; brilliant; glittering; splendid; illustrious. Shining, Brilliant, Sparking. Shining describes the steady emission of a strong light, or the steady reflection of light from a clear or polished surface. Brilliant denotes a shining of great brightness, but with gleams or flashes. Sparkling implies a fitful, intense shining from radiant points or sparks, by which the eye is dazzled. The same distinctions obtain when these epithets are figuratively applied. A man of shining talents is made conspicious by possessing them; if they flash upon the mind with a peculiarly striking effect, we call them brilliant; if his brilliancy is marked by great vivacity and occasional intensity, he is sparkling. "True paradise... inclosed with shining rock." "Some in a brilliant buckle bind her waist, Some round her neck a circling light display." "His sparkling blade about his head he blest."

Shining  n.  Emission or reflection of light.

Collaborative International Dictionary of English 0.48

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"Shining" Quotes from Famous Books

... and horse tracks in the road were full of water, the rain having been enough to charge them, but not enough to wash them away. Across these minute pools the reflected stars flitted in a quick transit as she passed; she would not have known they were shining overhead if she had not seen them there—the vastest things of the universe imaged ...
— Tess of the d'Urbervilles - A Pure Woman • Thomas Hardy

... above all that noise. He knew it was the bell of the fairy Queen, summoning her subjects to her presence; and in a moment he slid down the vine, and scampered away to the gardens. There, although the sun was shining brightly, and the fairies seldom assembled but by night, there were great crowds of them, all listening to the Queen, and keeping much better order than the people in the King's palace. The Queen addressed ...
— Ting-a-ling • Frank Richard Stockton

... being present, May 26, looking out of his bed to the sun shining brightly on the opposite side of the house, he said, "O what a splendor and glory will all the elect and redeemed saints have one day, and O! how much more will the glory of the Creator be, who shall communicate that glory to all his own, ...
— Biographia Scoticana (Scots Worthies) • John Howie

... nothing shining either in person or manners, but rather somewhat grim in the first, and glum in the last. Yet he appears to have humour himself, and to ...
— The Diary and Letters of Madame D'Arblay Volume 1 • Madame D'Arblay

... therefore contain two or three men of original constructive genius, two or three leading spirits eminent for shrewdness and tact, a dozen or more excellent critics representing various conflicting interests, and a rank and file of thoroughly respectable, commonplace men, unfitted for shining in the work of the meeting, but admirably competent to proclaim its results and get their friends and neighbours to adopt them. And in such an assembly, even if it be such as we call ideally perfect, we must allow something ...
— The Critical Period of American History • John Fiske

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