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Snip   /snɪp/   Listen
Snip  n.  
A single cut, as with shears or scissors; a clip.
A small shred; a bit cut off.
A share; a snack. (Obs.)
A tailor. (Slang)
Small hand shears for cutting sheet metal.

Snip  v. t.  (past & past part. snipped; pres. part. snipping)  To cut off the nip or neb of, or to cut off at once with shears or scissors; to clip off suddenly; to nip; hence, to break off; to snatch away. "Curbed and snipped in my younger years by fear of my parents from those vicious excrescences to which that age was subject." "The captain seldom ordered anything out of the ship's stores... but I snipped some of it for my own share."

Collaborative International Dictionary of English 0.48

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"Snip" Quotes from Famous Books

... black periwig, in which his friend vowed that no one could recognize him. But the most painful incident, with regard to the periwig, was, that Poinsinet, whose solitary beauty—if beauty it might be called—was a head of copious, curling, yellow hair, was compelled to snip off every one of his golden locks, and to rub the bristles with a black dye; "for if your wig were to come off," said the lawyer, "and your fair hair to tumble over your shoulders, every man would know, or at least suspect you." So off the locks ...
— The Paris Sketch Book Of Mr. M. A. Titmarsh • William Makepeace Thackeray

... hair-cuttings were performed by Fairway; the victim sitting on a chopping-block in front of the house, without a coat, and the neighbours gossiping around, idly observing the locks of hair as they rose upon the wind after the snip, and flew away out of sight to the four quarters of the heavens. Summer and winter the scene was the same, unless the wind were more than usually blusterous, when the stool was shifted a few feet round the corner. To ...
— The Return of the Native • Thomas Hardy

... whether the poor animal has been too much cut with the shears, or badly shorn in any other respect, and can tell exactly which shearer is to blame. Before this plan was adopted it was hopeless to try to find out who was the delinquent, for no one would acknowledge to the least snip. A good shearer can take off 120 fleeces in a day, but the average is about 80 to each man. They get one pound per hundred, and are found in everything, having as much tea and sugar, bread and mutton, ...
— Station Life in New Zealand • Lady Barker

... heat which seemed to envelop my body I realized that Lillian, as always, was dominating the situation. I could hear the snip of her scissors as she cut away the pieces of burned cloth, and the low-toned directions to Mrs. Durkee, which told me that Lillian already had secured our first aid kit and was giving me the treatment necessary to alleviate my pain until the physician ...
— Revelations of a Wife - The Story of a Honeymoon • Adele Garrison

... in Silesia, proverbially sour. Schlimmer,(Ger.) - Worse. Schlog him ober de kop - Knocked him on the head. Schloss,(Ger.) - Castle. Schmutz,(Ger.) - Dirt. Schnapps,(Ger.) - Dram. Schnitz - Pennsylvania German word for cut and dried fruit. Schnitz, schnitzen,(Ger.) - To chop, chip, snip. Schönheitsidéal,(Ger.) - The ideal of beauty. Schopenhauer - A celebrated German "philosophical physiologist." Schoppen,(Ger.) - A liquid measure, chopin, pint. Schrocken(Erschrocken) - Frightened. Schwaben - Suabia. Schwan,(Ger.) - Swan. Schweinblatt ...
— The Breitmann Ballads • Charles G. Leland

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