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English Dictionary      examples: 'day', 'get rid of', 'New York Bay'

Bear off   /bɛr ɔf/   Listen
Bear  v. t.  (past bore, formerly bare; past part. borne, born; pres. part. bearing)  
To support or sustain; to hold up.
To support and remove or carry; to convey. "I 'll bear your logs the while."
To conduct; to bring; said of persons. (Obs.) "Bear them to my house."
To possess and use, as power; to exercise. "Every man should bear rule in his own house."
To sustain; to have on (written or inscribed, or as a mark), as, the tablet bears this inscription.
To possess or carry, as a mark of authority or distinction; to wear; as, to bear a sword, badge, or name.
To possess mentally; to carry or hold in the mind; to entertain; to harbor "The ancient grudge I bear him."
To endure; to tolerate; to undergo; to suffer. "Should such a man, too fond to rule alone, Bear, like the Turk, no brother near the throne." "I cannot bear The murmur of this lake to hear." "My punishment is greater than I can bear."
To gain or win. (Obs.) "Some think to bear it by speaking a great word." "She was... found not guilty, through bearing of friends and bribing of the judge."
To sustain, or be answerable for, as blame, expense, responsibility, etc. "He shall bear their iniquities." "Somewhat that will bear your charges."
To render or give; to bring forward. "Your testimony bear"
To carry on, or maintain; to have. "The credit of bearing a part in the conversation."
To admit or be capable of; that is, to suffer or sustain without violence, injury, or change. "In all criminal cases the most favorable interpretation should be put on words that they can possibly bear."
To manage, wield, or direct. "Thus must thou thy body bear." Hence: To behave; to conduct. "Hath he borne himself penitently in prison?"
To afford; to be to; to supply with. "His faithful dog shall bear him company."
To bring forth or produce; to yield; as, to bear apples; to bear children; to bear interest. "Here dwelt the man divine whom Samos bore." Note: In the passive form of this verb, the best modern usage restricts the past participle born to the sense of brought forth, while borne is used in the other senses of the word. In the active form, borne alone is used as the past participle.
To bear down.
To force into a lower place; to carry down; to depress or sink. "His nose,... large as were the others, bore them down into insignificance."
To overthrow or crush by force; as, to bear down an enemy.
To bear a hand.
To help; to give assistance.
(Naut.) To make haste; to be quick.
To bear in hand, to keep (one) up in expectation, usually by promises never to be realized; to amuse by false pretenses; to delude. (Obs.) "How you were borne in hand, how crossed."
To bear in mind, to remember.
To bear off.
To restrain; to keep from approach.
(Naut.) To remove to a distance; to keep clear from rubbing against anything; as, to bear off a blow; to bear off a boat.
To gain; to carry off, as a prize.
(Backgammon) To remove from the backgammon board into the home when the position of the piece and the dice provide the proper opportunity; the goal of the game is to bear off all of one's men before the opponent.
To bear one hard, to owe one a grudge. (Obs.) "Caesar doth bear me hard."
To bear out.
To maintain and support to the end; to defend to the last. "Company only can bear a man out in an ill thing."
To corroborate; to confirm.
To bear up, to support; to keep from falling or sinking. "Religious hope bears up the mind under sufferings."
Synonyms: To uphold; sustain; maintain; support; undergo; suffer; endure; tolerate; carry; convey; transport; waft.

Bear  v. i.  (past bore, formerly bare; past part. borne, born; pres. part. bearing)  
To produce, as fruit; to be fruitful, in opposition to barrenness. "This age to blossom, and the next to bear."
To suffer, as in carrying a burden. "But man is born to bear."
To endure with patience; to be patient. "I can not, can not bear."
To press; with on or upon, or against. "These men bear hard on the suspected party."
To take effect; to have influence or force; as, to bring matters to bear.
To relate or refer; with on or upon; as, how does this bear on the question?
To have a certain meaning, intent, or effect. "Her sentence bore that she should stand a certain time upon the platform."
To be situated, as to the point of compass, with respect to something else; as, the land bears N. by E.
To bear against, to approach for attack or seizure; as, a lion bears against his prey. (Obs.)
To bear away (Naut.), to change the course of a ship, and make her run before the wind.
To bear back, to retreat. "Bearing back from the blows of their sable antagonist."
To bear down upon (Naut.), to approach from the windward side; as, the fleet bore down upon the enemy.
To bear in with (Naut.), to run or tend toward; as, a ship bears in with the land.
To bear off (Naut.), to steer away, as from land.
To bear up.
To be supported; to have fortitude; to be firm; not to sink; as, to bear up under afflictions.
(Naut.) To put the helm up (or to windward) and so put the ship before the wind; to bear away.
To bear upon (Mil.), to be pointed or situated so as to affect; to be pointed directly against, or so as to hit (the object); as, to bring or plant guns so as to bear upon a fort or a ship; the artillery bore upon the center.
To bear up to, to tend or move toward; as, to bear up to one another.
To bear with, to endure; to be indulgent to; to forbear to resent, oppose, or punish.

Collaborative International Dictionary of English 0.48

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"Bear off" Quotes from Famous Books

... Martin laughed. "They thought we were going to run them down. They know the sea beggars would be quite content to sink themselves if they could sink an enemy. Follow close in her wake, Peters, and then bear off a little as if you meant to pass them on their starboard side; then when you get close give her the helm sharp and sweep across her stern. We will give her the guns as we pass, then bear off again and pass her on her port side; ...
— By Pike and Dyke: A Tale of the Rise of the Dutch Republic • G.A. Henty

... again from other lips shall come Such beauteous truths, such fresh imaginings, As, like the warm south-wind, upon their wings Bear off our fancy to ...
— Chambers's Edinburgh Journal, No. 454 - Volume 18, New Series, September 11, 1852 • Various

... spent in such light, pleasant work, is hardly regarded as toil. Yet, the amount of cotton picked by each individual, measured by the number of hours employed, is fully up to the standard set by good pickers, under the old system of long hours. The nimble-fingered women easily bear off the palm, as the expert pickers. If they were paid by the pound, their earnings would be greater than those of the men. Judged by such practical work, women cannot much longer be classed with the weaker units ...
— Solaris Farm - A Story of the Twentieth Century • Milan C. Edson

... will be upon them. The warriors go to look on Beowulf, and find him and the Worm lying dead together. Wiglaf chooses out seven of them to go void the treasure-house, after having bidden them gather wood for the bale-fire. They shove the Worm over the cliff into the sea, and bear off the treasure in wains. Then they bring Beowulf's corpse to bale, and they kindle it; a woman called the wife of aforetime, it may be Hygd, widow of Hygelac, bemoans him: and twelve children of the athelings ride round the bale, and bemoan Beowulf and praise ...
— The Tale of Beowulf - Sometime King of the Folk of the Weder Geats • Anonymous

... half a dozen girls who all believed they could bear off the palm. Judy Craig was being "rooted" for by the sophomores. Of course, none of the three upper classes believed that a freshman had a chance; but Grace Montgomery had reserved herself all the evening for this contest, and now her ...
— A Little Miss Nobody - Or, With the Girls of Pinewood Hall • Amy Bell Marlowe

... v.; vagrancy, evagation^; bypaths and crooked ways; byroad. [Motion sideways, oblique motion] sidling &c v.; knight's move at chess. V. alter one's course, deviate, depart from, turn, trend; bend, curve &c 245; swerve, heel, bear off; gybe^, wear. intervert^; deflect; divert, divert from its course; put on a new scent, shift, shunt, draw aside, crook, warp. stray, straggle; sidle; diverge &c 291; tralineate^; digress, wander; wind, twist, meander; veer, tack; divagate; sidetrack; turn aside, turn a corner, ...
— Roget's Thesaurus of English Words and Phrases: Body • Roget

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