1.To strike; to slap; to strike, or strike together, with a quick motion, so, as to make a sharp noise; as, to clap one's hands; a clapping of wings. "Then like a bird it sits and sings, And whets and claps its silver wings."
2.To thrust, drive, put, or close, in a hasty or abrupt manner; often followed by to, into, on, or upon. "He had just time to get in and clap to the door." "Clap an extinguisher upon your irony."
3.To manifest approbation of, by striking the hands together; to applaud; as, to clap a performance.
To clap hands. (a)To pledge faith by joining hands. (Obs.)
(b)To express contempt or derision. (Obs.)
To clap up. (a)To imprison hastily or without due formality.
(b)To make or contrive hastily. (Obs.) "Was ever match clapped up so suddenly?"