Corpus n. (pl. corpora) A body, living or dead; the corporeal substance of a thing. Corpus callosum; (pl. corpora callosa) (Anat.), the great band of commissural fibers uniting the cerebral hemispheres. See Brain. Corpus Christi (R. C. Ch.), a festival in honor of the eucharist, observed on the Thursday after Trinity Sunday.
Corpus Christi cloth. Same as Pyx cloth, under Pyx. Corpus delicti (Law), the substantial and fundamental fact of the comission of a crime; the proofs essential to establish a crime.
Corpus luteum; (pl. corpora lutea) (Anat.), the reddish yellow mass which fills a ruptured Graafian follicle in the mammalian ovary.
Corpus striatum; (pl. corpora striata) (Anat.), a ridge in the wall of each lateral ventricle of the brain.