1.To sail back and forth on the ocean; to sail, as for the protection of commerce, in search of an enemy, for plunder, or for pleasure. Note: A ship cruises in any particular sea or ocean; as, in the Baltic or in the Atlantic. She cruises off any cape; as, off the Lizard; off Ushant. She cruises on a coast; as, on the coast of Africa. A pirate cruises to seize vessels; a yacht cruises for the pleasure of the owner. "Ships of war were sent to cruise near the isle of Bute." "'Mid sands, and rocks, and storms to cruise for pleasure."
2.To wander hither and thither on land. (Colloq.)
3.(Forestry) To inspect forest land for the purpose of estimating the quantity of lumber it will yield.
4.To travel primarily for pleasure, or without any fixed purpose, rather than with the main goal of reaching a particular destination. "To cruise the streets of town, looking for an interesting party to crash."