noun dice n. (pl. of Die) Small cubes used in gaming or in determining by chance; also, the game played with dice. See Die, n. dice coal, a kind of coal easily splitting into cubical fragments.
Die n. 1.A small cube, marked on its faces with spots from one to six, and used in playing games by being shaken in a box and thrown from it. ((pl. dice)) See Dice. 2.Any small cubical or square body. ((pl. (usually) dice)) "Words... pasted upon little flat tablets or dies." 3.That which is, or might be, determined, by a throw of the die; hazard; chance. "Such is the die of war." 4.(Arch.) That part of a pedestal included between base and cornice; the dado. ((pl. dies)) 5.(Mach.) (a)A metal or plate (often one of a pair) so cut or shaped as to give a certain desired form to, or impress any desired device on, an object or surface, by pressure or by a blow; used in forging metals, coining, striking up sheet metal, etc. (b)A perforated block, commonly of hardened steel used in connection with a punch, for punching holes, as through plates, or blanks from plates, or for forming cups or capsules, as from sheet metal, by drawing. (c)A hollow internally threaded screw-cutting tool, made in one piece or composed of several parts, for forming screw threads on bolts, etc.; one of the separate parts which make up such a tool. ((pl. dies)) Cutting die (Mech.), a thin, deep steel frame, sharpened to a cutting edge, for cutting out articles from leather, cloth, paper, etc. The die is cast, the hazard must be run; the step is taken, and it is too late to draw back; the last chance is taken.
verb dice v. t. (past & past part. diced; pres. part. dicing) 1.(Cooking) To cut into small cubes; as, to slice and dice carrots. 2.To ornament with squares, diamonds, or cubes.
dice v. i. (past & past part. diced; pres. part. dicing) To play games with dice. "I... diced not above seven times a week."
Collaborative International Dictionary of English 0.48