verb Dig v. t. (past & past part. dug, digged is archaic; pres. part. digging) 1.To turn up, or delve in, (earth) with a spade or a hoe; to open, loosen, or break up (the soil) with a spade, or other sharp instrument; to pierce, open, or loosen, as if with a spade. "Be first to dig the ground." 2.To get by digging; as, to dig potatoes, or gold. 3.To hollow out, as a well; to form, as a ditch, by removing earth; to excavate; as, to dig a ditch or a well. 4.To thrust; to poke. (Colloq.) "You should have seen children... dig and push their mothers under the sides, saying thus to them: Look, mother, how great a lubber doth yet wear pearls." 5.To like; enjoy; admire. "The whole class digs Pearl Jam." (Colloq.) To dig down, to undermine and cause to fall by digging; as, to dig down a wall. To dig from, To dig out of, To dig out, To dig up, to get out or obtain by digging; as, to dig coal from or out of a mine; to dig out fossils; to dig up a tree. The preposition is often omitted; as, the men are digging coal, digging iron ore, digging potatoes. To dig in, (a)to cover by digging; as, to dig in manure. (b)To entrench oneself so as to give stronger resistance; used of warfare or negotiating situations. to dig in one's heels To offer stubborn resistance.
dig v. t. (past & past part. dug, digged is archaic; pres. part. digging) 1.To understand; as, do you dig me?. (slang) 2.To notice; to look at; as, dig that crazy hat!. (slang) 3.To appreciate and enjoy; as, he digs classical music as well as rock. (slang)
Dig v. i. (past & past part. dug, digged is archaic; pres. part. digging) 1.To work with a spade or other like implement; to do servile work; to delve. "Dig for it more than for hid treasures." "I can not dig; to beg I am ashamed." 2.(Mining) To take ore from its bed, in distinction from making excavations in search of ore. 3.To work hard or drudge; specif. (U. S.): To study ploddingly and laboriously. (Colloq.) "Peter dug at his books all the harder." 4.(Mach.) Of a tool: To cut deeply into the work because ill set, held at a wrong angle, or the like, as when a lathe tool is set too low and so sprung into the work. To dig out, to depart; to leave, esp. hastily; decamp. (Slang, U. S.)
noun Digging n. 1.The act or the place of digging or excavating. Synonyms: excavation, dig. 2.pl. Places where ore is dug; especially, certain localities in California, Australia, and elsewhere, at which gold is obtained. (Recent) 3.pl. Region; locality. (Low) 4.A thorough search for something (often causing disorder or confusion). Synonyms: ransacking, rummage.
Collaborative International Dictionary of English 0.48