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Dry rot   /draɪ rɑt/   Listen
Rot  n.  
Process of rotting; decay; putrefaction.
(Bot.) A disease or decay in fruits, leaves, or wood, supposed to be caused by minute fungi. See Bitter rot, Black rot, etc., below.
A fatal distemper which attacks sheep and sometimes other animals. It is due to the presence of a parasitic worm in the liver or gall bladder. See 1st Fluke, 2. "His cattle must of rot and murrain die."
Bitter rot (Bot.), a disease of apples, caused by the fungus Glaeosporium fructigenum.
Black rot (Bot.), a disease of grapevines, attacking the leaves and fruit, caused by the fungus Laestadia Bidwellii.
Dry rot (Bot.) See under Dry.
Grinder's rot (Med.) See under Grinder.
Potato rot. (Bot.) See under Potato.
White rot (Bot.), a disease of grapes, first appearing in whitish pustules on the fruit, caused by the fungus Coniothyrium diplodiella.

Dry  adj.  (compar. drier; superl. driest)  
Free from moisture; having little humidity or none; arid; not wet or moist; deficient in the natural or normal supply of moisture, as rain or fluid of any kind; said especially:
Of the weather: Free from rain or mist. "The weather, we agreed, was too dry for the season."
Of vegetable matter: Free from juices or sap; not succulent; not green; as, dry wood or hay.
Of animals: Not giving milk; as, the cow is dry.
Of persons: Thirsty; needing drink. "Give the dry fool drink."
Of the eyes: Not shedding tears. "Not a dry eye was to be seen in the assembly."
(Med.) Of certain morbid conditions, in which there is entire or comparative absence of moisture; as, dry gangrene; dry catarrh.
Destitute of that which interests or amuses; barren; unembellished; jejune; plain. "These epistles will become less dry, more susceptible of ornament."
Characterized by a quality somewhat severe, grave, or hard; hence, sharp; keen; shrewd; quaint; as, a dry tone or manner; dry wit. "He was rather a dry, shrewd kind of body."
(Fine Arts) Exhibiting a sharp, frigid preciseness of execution, or the want of a delicate contour in form, and of easy transition in coloring.
Dry area (Arch.), a small open space reserved outside the foundation of a building to guard it from damp.
Dry blow.
(Med.) A blow which inflicts no wound, and causes no effusion of blood.
A quick, sharp blow.
Dry bone (Min.), Smithsonite, or carbonate of zinc; a miner's term.
Dry castor (Zool.) a kind of beaver; called also parchment beaver.
Dry cupping. (Med.) See under Cupping.
Dry dock. See under Dock.
Dry fat. See Dry vat (below).
Dry light, pure unobstructed light; hence, a clear, impartial view. "The scientific man must keep his feelings under stern control, lest they obtrude into his researches, and color the dry light in which alone science desires to see its objects."
Dry masonry. See Masonry.
Dry measure, a system of measures of volume for dry or coarse articles, by the bushel, peck, etc.
Dry pile (Physics), a form of the Voltaic pile, constructed without the use of a liquid, affording a feeble current, and chiefly useful in the construction of electroscopes of great delicacy; called also Zamboni's, from the names of the two earliest constructors of it.
Dry pipe (Steam Engine), a pipe which conducts dry steam from a boiler.
Dry plate (Photog.), a glass plate having a dry coating sensitive to light, upon which photographic negatives or pictures can be made, without moistening.
Dry-plate process, the process of photographing with dry plates.
Dry point. (Fine Arts)
An engraving made with the needle instead of the burin, in which the work is done nearly as in etching, but is finished without the use acid.
A print from such an engraving, usually upon paper.
Hence: The needle with which such an engraving is made.
Dry rent (Eng. Law), a rent reserved by deed, without a clause of distress.
Dry rot, a decay of timber, reducing its fibers to the condition of a dry powdery dust, often accompanied by the presence of a peculiar fungus (Merulius lacrymans), which is sometimes considered the cause of the decay; but it is more probable that the real cause is the decomposition of the wood itself. Called also sap rot, and, in the United States, powder post.
Dry stove, a hothouse adapted to preserving the plants of arid climates.
Dry vat, a vat, basket, or other receptacle for dry articles.
Dry wine, that in which the saccharine matter and fermentation were so exactly balanced, that they have wholly neutralized each other, and no sweetness is perceptible; opposed to sweet wine, in which the saccharine matter is in excess.

Collaborative International Dictionary of English 0.48

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"Dry rot" Quotes from Famous Books

... thought with a little anxiety of his wife, and wondered whether his elder son had not after all inherited that kind of dry rot of the soul, in which the sap and vigour disappear little by little, leaving the shape indeed intact but not the powers. When he had married her, thirty-five years before, she had seemed to him an incarnate mystery of whose key he was taking possession—her silence had seemed pregnant with knowledge, ...
— The King's Achievement • Robert Hugh Benson

... we have gone farther in demand for and effort toward individual freedom than we have in any translation of the old social pressure upon the individual conscience and life to assume social obligations and bear them worthily and usefully. There is a dry rot at the core of any class or any nation which turns its inmost psychology toward what it can get from life without regard to what it should give back to life. Too many children and youth in conditions in which, happily, the old despotism of age is outgrown, have unhappily missed the old sense ...
— The Family and it's Members • Anna Garlin Spencer

... that the human race may become consciously and increasingly master of itself and of its destiny, and recognizing the Darwinian principle of the selection of the fittest as the only means of preventing the moral and physical degeneracy which, like an internal dry rot, has hitherto been the besetting danger of all civilizations, I desire that the thinkers who mould the opinions of mankind shall not be led astray from the true path of enduring progress and happiness by reliance on fallacious beliefs which will not bear examination. Such, at least, ...
— Are the Effects of Use and Disuse Inherited? - An Examination of the View Held by Spencer and Darwin • William Platt Ball

... difficulties connected with the floors on or near the ground, by reason of the dry rot incident to such places. Dry rot consists in the development of fungus growth from spores existing in the wood, and waiting only the proper conditions for their germination. The best condition for this germination ...
— Scientific American Supplement, No. 647, May 26, 1888 • Various

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