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Glory   /glˈɔri/   Listen
Glory  n.  
Praise, honor, admiration, or distinction, accorded by common consent to a person or thing; high reputation; honorable fame; renown. "Glory to God in the highest." "Spread his glory through all countries wide."
That quality in a person or thing which secures general praise or honor; that which brings or gives renown; an object of pride or boast; the occasion of praise; excellency; brilliancy; splendor. "Think it no glory to swell in tyranny." "Jewels lose their glory if neglected." "Your sex's glory 't is to shine unknown."
Pride; boastfulness; arrogance. "In glory of thy fortunes."
The presence of the Divine Being; the manifestations of the divine nature and favor to the blessed in heaven; celestial honor; heaven. "Thou shalt guide me with thy counsel, and afterward receive me to glory."
An emanation of light supposed to proceed from beings of peculiar sanctity. It is represented in art by rays of gold, or the like, proceeding from the head or body, or by a disk, or a mere line. Note: This is the general term; when confined to the head it is properly called nimbus; when encircling the whole body, aureola or aureole.
Glory hole, an opening in the wall of a glass furnace, exposing the brilliant white light of the interior.
Glory pea (Bot.), the name of two leguminous plants (Clianthus Dampieri and C. puniceus) of Australia and New Zeland. They have showy scarlet or crimson flowers.
Glory tree (Bot.), a name given to several species of the verbenaceous genus Clerodendron, showy flowering shrubs of tropical regions.

Glory  v. i.  (past & past part. gloried; pres. part. glorying)  
To exult with joy; to rejoice. "Glory ye in his holy name."
To boast; to be proud. "God forbid that I should glory, save in the cross of our Lord Jesus Christ." "No one... should glory in his prosperity."

Collaborative International Dictionary of English 0.48

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"Glory" Quotes from Famous Books

... had clinched his fists and gnashed his teeth. He had to live to see his own son tear the halo of glory from his head. ...
— Dame Care • Hermann Sudermann

... thrown open for public inspection. In the evening the upper floor of the building (which for the present was to be used as a hall) was crowded by the villagers to hear the "public speaking"; and on this occasion Nelson Haley again covered himself with glory. ...
— Janice Day at Poketown • Helen Beecher Long

... little group gathered about him, yet without glancing up from the paper in his hand, "Crook was defeated over on the Rosebud the seventeenth, and forced to retire. That will account for the unexpected number of hostiles fronting us up here, Cook; but the greater the task, the greater the glory. Ah, I thought as much. I am advised by the Department to keep in close touch with Terry and Gibbons, and to hold off from making a direct attack until infantry can arrive in support. Rather late ...
— Bob Hampton of Placer • Randall Parrish

... "Verdun"—that conflict in which France won immortal glory and the German's attack upon the French fortress town of Verdun was successfully repulsed. The battle raged for four months, beginning in February, 1916. The German troops, with the German Crown Prince in command, captured two forts close to Verdun, ...
— Kelly Miller's History of the World War for Human Rights • Kelly Miller

... mountain arms, and every height about it may be scaled with esce. The heights have their nest of waters below for a home scene, the southern Swiss peaks, with celestial Monta Rosa, in prospect. It was there that Diana reawakened, after the trance of a deadly draught, to the glory of the earth and her share in it. She wakened like the Princess of the Kiss; happily not to kisses; to no sign, touch or call that she could trace backward. The change befell her without a warning. After writing deliberately to her friend Emma, she laid ...
— The Shaving of Shagpat • George Meredith

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