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Animal kingdom   /ˈænəməl kˈɪŋdəm/   Listen
Kingdom  n.  
The rank, quality, state, or attributes of a king; royal authority; sovereign power; rule; dominion; monarchy. "Thy kingdom is an everlasting kingdom." "When Jehoram was risen up to the kingdom of his father, he strengthened himself."
The territory or country subject to a king or queen; the dominion of a monarch; the sphere in which one is king or has control. "Unto the kingdom of perpetual night." "You're welcome, Most learned reverend sir, into our kingdom."
An extensive scientific division distinguished by leading or ruling characteristics; a principal division; a department; as, the mineral kingdom. In modern biology, the division of life into five kingdoms is widely used for classification. "The animal and vegetable kingdoms."
Animal kingdom. See under Animal.
Kingdom of God.
The universe.
That spiritual realm of which God is the acknowledged sovereign.
The authority or dominion of God.
Mineral kingdom. See under Mineral.
United Kingdom. See under United.
Vegetable kingdom. See under Vegetable.
Synonyms: Realm; empire; dominion; monarchy; sovereignty; domain.

Animal  adj.  
Of or relating to animals; as, animal functions.
Pertaining to the merely sentient part of a creature, as distinguished from the intellectual, rational, or spiritual part; as, the animal passions or appetites.
Consisting of the flesh of animals; as, animal food.
Animal magnetism. See Magnetism and Mesmerism.
Animal electricity, the electricity developed in some animals, as the electric eel, torpedo, etc.
Animal flower (Zool.), a name given to certain marine animals resembling a flower, as any species of actinia or sea anemone, and other Anthozoa, hydroids, starfishes, etc.
Animal heat (Physiol.), the heat generated in the body of a living animal, by means of which the animal is kept at nearly a uniform temperature.
Animal spirits. See under Spirit.
Animal kingdom, the whole class of beings endowed with animal life. It embraces several subkingdoms, and under these there are Classes, Orders, Families, Genera, Species, and sometimes intermediate groupings, all in regular subordination, but variously arranged by different writers. Note: The following are the grand divisions, or subkingdoms, and the principal classes under them, generally recognized at the present time: Vertebrata, including Mammalia or Mammals, Aves or Birds, Reptilia, Amphibia, Pisces or Fishes, Marsipobranchiata (Craniota); and Leptocardia (Acrania). Tunicata, including the Thaliacea, and Ascidioidea or Ascidians. Articulata or Annulosa, including Insecta, Myriapoda, Malacapoda, Arachnida, Pycnogonida, Merostomata, Crustacea (Arthropoda); and Annelida, Gehyrea (Anarthropoda). Helminthes or Vermes, including Rotifera, Chaetognatha, Nematoidea, Acanthocephala, Nemertina, Turbellaria, Trematoda, Cestoidea, Mesozea. Molluscoidea, including Brachiopoda and Bryozoa. Mollusca, including Cephalopoda, Gastropoda, Pteropoda, Scaphopoda, Lamellibranchiata or Acephala. Echinodermata, including Holothurioidea, Echinoidea, Asterioidea, Ophiuroidea, and Crinoidea. Coelenterata, including Anthozoa or Polyps, Ctenophora, and Hydrozoa or Acalephs. Spongiozoa or Porifera, including the sponges. Protozoa, including Infusoria and Rhizopoda. For definitions, see these names in the Vocabulary.

Collaborative International Dictionary of English 0.48

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"Animal kingdom" Quotes from Famous Books

... look on the land of the rhinoceros, the camel, the elephant, and the ape,—on the girls with thick, protuberant lips, copper skins, and lanky, black hair,—on the corpulent gentry with their long talons, and madams tottering on their hoofs, reminding him constantly of the animal kingdom, as figured to imagination in childhood, of the rat that wanted his long tail again, or of the horse that will never win a race,—on the land of lanterns and lying, of ...
— Atlantic Monthly, Vol. 11, No. 65, March, 1863 • Various

... variety of form and colour. It consists of organized bodies, but destitute of the power of locomotion. They are nourished by means of roots; they breathe by means of leaves; and propagate by means of seed, dispersed within certain limits. The Animal Kingdom consists of sentient beings, that enliven the external parts of the earth. They possess the powers of voluntary motion, respire air, and are forced into action by the cravings of hunger or the parching ...
— The Book of Household Management • Mrs. Isabella Beeton

... Arabs have a legend that the Archangel Michael, anxious to try his skill at creative work, received permission to make an attempt, and the camel was the issue of his bungling handiwork. Poor brute, his capacity for enjoyment is, perhaps, the most restricted of the whole animal kingdom. Ferocious of aspect, with a terrible voice, he is nevertheless the most timid of beasts, and his fine air of haughty superciliousness is, like the rest, but a sham. It might be fancied that he is for ever nursing ...
— Khartoum Campaign, 1898 - or the Re-Conquest of the Soudan • Bennet Burleigh

... man a religious being. These constitute the identity of human nature under all circumstances; these characterize humanity in all conditions. Like permanent germs in vegetable life, always producing the same species of plants; or like fundamental types in the animal kingdom, securing the same homologous structures in all classes and orders; so these fundamental ideas in human nature constitute its sameness and unity, under all the varying conditions of life and society. The acorn must produce an oak, and nothing else. The grain of wheat must always ...
— Christianity and Greek Philosophy • Benjamin Franklin Cocker

... in the animal kingdom is this—the Bird-Life seizes upon the bird-germ and builds it up into a bird, the image of itself. The Reptile Life seizes upon another germinal speck, assimilates surrounding matter, and fashions it into a reptile. The Reptile-Life thus simply makes an incarnation ...
— Natural Law in the Spiritual World • Henry Drummond

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