ionize v. t. (past & past part. ionized; pres. part. ionizing) (Physics, Chemistry) To convert (an atom or molecule) into ions, e. g. by dissolving in water, by reaction with acid or alkali, or by interaction with ionizing radiation. See ionization.
ionize v. i.
(Physics, Chemistry) To dissociate into ions, as by dissolution in water or another polar solvent.
ionized adj. Converted totally or partly into ions. Opposite of nonionized and unionized.
... sunlight on the propagation of electric waves over great distances. He found that the waves were absorbed during the daytime much more than at night and he eventually reached the conclusion that the ultraviolet light from the sun ionized the gaseous molecules of the air, and ionized air absorbs the energy of the electric waves, so that the fact was established that clear sunlight and blue skies, though transparent to light, serve as a fog to the powerful Hertzian waves of ... — The Story Of Electricity • John Munro