Joss n. A Chinese household divinity; a Chinese idol. "Critic in jars and josses."
Joss house, a Chinese temple or house for the Chinese mode of worship.
Joss stick, a reed covered with a paste made of the dust of odoriferous woods, or a cylinder made wholly of the paste; burned by the Chinese before an idol.
... on height, and on all lay the white light of the moon. Close by hundreds of weary pilgrims were sleeping heavily on their hard beds. Day after day and year after year they climbed these steeps seeking peace and help, pinning their hopes to burning joss stick and tinkling bell and mystic words, and in Western lands were other pilgrims entangled likewise in the mazes of dogma and form. But here among the stars, in the empty, soundless space of the white night, the gods that man ... — A Wayfarer in China - Impressions of a trip across West China and Mongolia • Elizabeth Kendall