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Mountain goat   /mˈaʊntən goʊt/   Listen
Mountain  adj.  
Of or pertaining to a mountain or mountains; growing or living on a mountain; found on or peculiar to mountains; among mountains; as, a mountain torrent; mountain pines; mountain goats; mountain air; mountain howitzer.
Like a mountain; mountainous; vast; very great. "The high, the mountain majesty of worth."
Mountain antelope (Zool.), the goral.
Mountain ash (Bot.), an ornamental tree, the Pyrus Americana (or Sorbus Americana), producing beautiful bunches of red berries. Its leaves are pinnate, and its flowers white, growing in fragrant clusters. The European species is the Pyrus aucuparia, or rowan tree.
Mountain barometer, a portable barometer, adapted for safe transportation, used in measuring the heights of mountains.
Mountain beaver (Zool.), the sewellel.
Mountain blue (Min.), blue carbonate of copper; azurite.
Mountain cat (Zool.), the catamount. See Catamount.
Mountain chain, a series of contiguous mountain ranges, generally in parallel or consecutive lines or curves.
Mountain cock (Zool.), capercailzie. See Capercailzie.
Mountain cork (Min.), a variety of asbestus, resembling cork in its texture.
Mountain crystal. See under Crystal.
Mountain damson (Bot.), a large tree of the genus Simaruba (Simaruba amarga) growing in the West Indies, which affords a bitter tonic and astringent, sometimes used in medicine.
Mountain dew, Scotch whisky, so called because often illicitly distilled among the mountains. (Humorous)
Mountain ebony (Bot.), a small leguminous tree (Bauhinia variegata) of the East and West Indies; so called because of its dark wood. The bark is used medicinally and in tanning.
Mountain flax (Min.), a variety of asbestus, having very fine fibers; amianthus. See Amianthus.
Mountain fringe (Bot.), climbing fumitory. See under Fumitory.
Mountain goat. (Zool.) See Mazama.
Mountain green. (Min.)
Green malachite, or carbonate of copper.
See Green earth, under Green, a.
Mountain holly (Bot.), a branching shrub (Nemopanthes Canadensis), having smooth oblong leaves and red berries. It is found in the Northern United States.
Mountain laurel (Bot.), an American shrub (Kalmia latifolia) with glossy evergreen leaves and showy clusters of rose-colored or white flowers. The foliage is poisonous. Called also American laurel, ivy bush, and calico bush. See Kalmia.
Mountain leather (Min.), a variety of asbestus, resembling leather in its texture.
Mountain licorice (Bot.), a plant of the genus Trifolium (Trifolium Alpinum).
Mountain limestone (Geol.), a series of marine limestone strata below the coal measures, and above the old red standstone of Great Britain. See Chart of Geology.
Mountain linnet (Zool.), the twite.
Mountain magpie. (Zool.)
The yaffle, or green woodpecker.
The European gray shrike.
Mountain mahogany (Bot.) See under Mahogany.
Mountain meal (Min.), a light powdery variety of calcite, occurring as an efflorescence.
Mountain milk (Min.), a soft spongy variety of carbonate of lime.
Mountain mint. (Bot.) See Mint.
Mountain ousel (Zool.), the ring ousel; called also mountain thrush and mountain colley. See Ousel.
Mountain pride, or Mountain green (Bot.), a tree of Jamaica (Spathelia simplex), which has an unbranched palmlike stem, and a terminal cluster of large, pinnate leaves.
Mountain quail (Zool.), the plumed partridge (Oreortyx pictus) of California. It has two long, slender, plumelike feathers on the head. The throat and sides are chestnut; the belly is brown with transverse bars of black and white; the neck and breast are dark gray.
Mountain range, a series of mountains closely related in position and direction.
Mountain rice. (Bot.)
An upland variety of rice, grown without irrigation, in some parts of Asia, Europe, and the United States.
An American genus of grasses (Oryzopsis).
Mountain rose (Bot.), a species of rose with solitary flowers, growing in the mountains of Europe (Rosa alpina).
Mountain soap (Min.), a soft earthy mineral, of a brownish color, used in crayon painting; saxonite.
Mountain sorrel (Bot.), a low perennial plant (Oxyria digyna with rounded kidney-form leaves, and small greenish flowers, found in the White Mountains of New Hampshire, and in high northern latitudes.
Mountain sparrow (Zool.), the European tree sparrow.
Mountain spinach. (Bot.) See Orach.
Mountain tobacco (Bot.), a composite plant (Arnica montana) of Europe; called also leopard's bane.
Mountain witch (Zool.), a ground pigeon of Jamaica, of the genus Geotrygon.

Collaborative International Dictionary of English 0.48

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"Mountain goat" Quotes from Famous Books

... With the Wonderful Mind Tame Elephants Assisting in Tying a Wild Captive Wild Bears Quickly Recognize Protection Alaskan Brown Bear, "Ivan," Begging for Food The Mystery of Death The Steady-Nerved and Courageous Mountain Goat Fortress of an Arizona Pack-Rat Wild Chipmunks Respond to Man's Protection An Opossum Feigning Death Migration of the Golden Plover. (Map) Remarkable Village Nests of the Sociable Weaver Bird Spotted Bower-Bird, at Work on Its Unfinished Bower Hawk-Proof Nest of ...
— The Minds and Manners of Wild Animals • William T. Hornaday

... drank again, put the glass down on the first place that came to hand, relieved him of the jug, put it next to the glass, caught hold of his muscular arm, ran him down the steps, and along the board path to the beach. "I'll race you to the sea," she cried, and was off like a mountain goat. He was too young to let her beat him and waited for her with the foam frothing round his ankles and a broad grin ...
— Who Cares? • Cosmo Hamilton

... distance further down the shore, where there was always plenty of good fish. Mrs. Godfrey finally consented to follow Paul. He took in his arms the two smallest children, and pressing them closely to his broad chest with his long sinewy arms, was soon skipping from rock to rock like a mountain goat. The mother and the three other children followed as closely as possible ...
— Young Lion of the Woods - A Story of Early Colonial Days • Thomas Barlow Smith

... brogans on the man's feet made him appear clumsy-footed, but he swung down from the giddy height as lightly and airily as a mountain goat. A rock, turning under his foot on the edge of the precipice, did not disconcert him. He seemed to know the precise time required for the turn to culminate in disaster, and in the meantime he utilized the false footing itself for the momentary earth-contact necessary to carry ...
— Moon-Face and Other Stories • Jack London

... designs and borders made of white pearl buttons—thousands of buttons—a style which had come in when the white traders came to Alaska. Many wore the native Chilcat blanket of ceremony made of the hair of the mountain goat. These were marvels of savage embroidery done in conventionalized designs that might have startled a Cubist painter had they not been woven with the softest-toned native dyes—yellow, pale-blue and green and rust. Huge, fierce detached eyes, ...
— Where the Sun Swings North • Barrett Willoughby

... Indian legends of the great Kankakee Swamp and of the disappearance of the Pottawattomie Indians. Another told of a wonderful trip through Yellowstone Park; another of a deer hunt in Routt County; and still another of a mountain goat expedition in the Canadian Rockies. All the while Ham lay flat on his back, shading his face from the fire with his hands, and looking up at the stars. He was reveling in the spirit of the fire and of ...
— Buffalo Roost • F. H. Cheley

... strong wills and a determination that nothing in the ordinary event could balk. Their horses were generally half-breed California mustangs, as quick and full of endurance as their riders, and were as sure-footed and fleet as a mountain goat; the facility and pace at which they travelled was a marvel. The Pony Express stations were scattered over a wild, desolate stretch of country, two thousand miles long. The trail was infested with "road agents," and hostile savages who roamed in formidable ...
— The Great Salt Lake Trail • Colonel Henry Inman

... for paper. Remember, I'll back the losses. If I'm not mistaken, in three days we'll have a national council or a revolution. You, Ieremia, start messengers around the island to the fishers and farmers, everywhere, even to the mountain goat-hunters. Tell them to assemble at the palace three days ...
— A Son Of The Sun • Jack London

... made, Paisley suggests that I go around, which makes me grip my mashie firmly, recall all the things I have read in the little book about how to play a mashie shot, and let drive with all my force, which usually lands me somewhere near the top of the clay bank, where it would take a mountain goat to play the next shot. After that, Paisley and I exchange a few hectic observations and my temperature and score mount to ...
— 32 Caliber • Donald McGibeny

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