Ostracize v. t. (past & past part. ostracized; pres. part. ostracizing)
(Gr. Antiq.) To exile by ostracism; to banish by a popular vote, as at Athens.
To banish from society, by a general consent; to exclude from social, political, or private favor; to exclude from conversation or friendship; to shun; as, he was ostracized by his former friends. A person may be ostracized by a formal vote or by a widespread but informal agreement.
... once suspecting a feud, asked, "Where are those well-known American names, Susan B. Anthony, Parker Pillsbury, and Elizabeth Cady Stanton? It is clear that there is a division in the ranks of the strong-minded and that an effort is being made to ostracize The Revolution which has so long upheld the cause of Suffrage, through evil ... — Susan B. Anthony - Rebel, Crusader, Humanitarian • Alma Lutz