Quarantine v. t. (past & past part. quarantined; pres. part. quarantining) To compel to remain at a distance, or in a given place, without intercourse, when suspected of having contagious disease; to put under, or in, quarantine.
... you help it?" cried the faithful Jennie. "I expect little Pease has been aching to tell all these weeks. She should have been quarantined, in ... — Ruth Fielding in Moving Pictures - Or Helping The Dormitory Fund • Alice Emerson
... Plague in London': Superstitious Fears of the People; How Quacks and Impositors Preyed on the Fears of the People; The People Are Quarantined in Their Houses; Moral Effects of the Plague; Terrible Scenes in the Streets; The Plague Due to Natural Causes; Spread of the Plague ... — Library of the World's Best Literature, Ancient and Modern -- Volume 11 • Various