1.To make safe; to procure the safety of; to preserve from injury, destruction, or evil of any kind; to rescue from impending danger; as, to save a house from the flames. "God save all this fair company." "He cried, saying, Lord, save me." "Thou hast... quitted all to save A world from utter loss."
2.(Theol.) Specifically, to deliver from sin and its penalty; to rescue from a state of condemnation and spiritual death, and bring into a state of spiritual life. "Christ Jesus came into the world to save sinners."
3.To keep from being spent or lost; to secure from waste or expenditure; to lay up; to reserve. "Now save a nation, and now save a groat."
4.To rescue from something undesirable or hurtful; to prevent from doing something; to spare. "I'll save you That labor, sir. All's now done."
5.To hinder from doing, suffering, or happening; to obviate the necessity of; to prevent; to spare. "Will you not speak to save a lady's blush?"
6.To hold possession or use of; to escape loss of. "Just saving the tide, and putting in a stock of merit."