adjective 1.Physically and forcibly separated into pieces or cracked or split. "A broken tooth" , "A broken leg" , "His neck is broken" Antonym: unbroken. 2.Not continuous in space, time, or sequence or varying abruptly. "A broken cable transmission" , "Broken sleep" , "Tear off the stub above the broken line" , "A broken note" , "Broken sobs" Antonym: unbroken. 4.(especially of promises or contracts) having been violated or disregarded. Synonym: unkept. "Broken contracts" Antonym: unbroken. 5.Tamed or trained to obey. Synonym: broken in. "This old nag is well broken in" 6.Topographically very uneven. Synonym: rugged. "Rugged ground" 7.Imperfectly spoken or written. 8.Thrown into a state of disarray or confusion. Synonyms: confused, disordered, upset. "A confused mass of papers on the desk" , "The small disordered room" , "With everything so upset" 11.Out of working order ('busted' is an informal substitute for 'broken'). Synonym: busted. "The coke machine is broken" , "The coke machine is busted" 12.Discontinuous. "Broken sunshine" 13.Lacking a part or parts.
verb (past broke, obs. brake; past part. broken, obs. broke; pres. part. breaking) 1.Terminate. Synonym: interrupt. "Break a lucky streak" , "Break the cycle of poverty" 3.Render inoperable or ineffective. 5.Destroy the integrity of; usually by force; cause to separate into pieces or fragments. "She broke the match" 6.Act in disregard of laws, rules, contracts, or promises. Synonyms: breach, go against, infract, offend, transgress, violate. "Violate the basic laws or human civilization" , "Break a law" , "Break a promise" Antonym: keep. 7.Move away or escape suddenly. Synonyms: break away, break out. "Three inmates broke jail" , "Nobody can break out--this prison is high security" 9.Force out or release suddenly and often violently something pent up. Synonyms: burst, erupt. "Erupt in anger" 11.Enter someone's (virtual or real) property in an unauthorized manner, usually with the intent to steal or commit a violent act. Synonym: break in. "They broke into my car and stole my radio!" , "Who broke into my account last night?" 12.Make submissive, obedient, or useful. Synonym: break in. "I broke in the new intern" 14.Surpass in excellence. Synonym: better. "Break a record" 15.Make known to the public information that was previously known only to a few people or that was meant to be kept a secret. Synonyms: bring out, disclose, discover, divulge, expose, give away, let on, let out, reveal, unwrap. "The actress won't reveal how old she is" , "Bring out the truth" , "He broke the news to her" , "Unwrap the evidence in the murder case" 16.Come into being. "Voices broke in the air" 17.Stop operating or functioning. Synonyms: break down, conk out, die, fail, give out, give way, go, go bad. "The car died on the road" , "The bus we travelled in broke down on the way to town" , "The coffee maker broke" , "The engine failed on the way to town" , "Her eyesight went after the accident" 18.Interrupt a continued activity. Synonym: break away. 19.Make a rupture in the ranks of the enemy or one's own by quitting or fleeing. 20.Curl over and fall apart in surf or foam, of waves. 24.Vary or interrupt a uniformity or continuity. 25.Cause to give up a habit. 27.Come forth or begin from a state of latency. 29.Cause the failure or ruin of. "This play will either make or break the playwright" Antonym: make. 30.Invalidate by judicial action. 31.Discontinue an association or relation; go different ways. Synonyms: break up, part, separate, split, split up. "The couple separated after 25 years of marriage" , "My friend and I split up" 33.Reduce to bankruptcy. Synonyms: bankrupt, ruin, smash. "The slump in the financial markets smashed him" 34.Change directions suddenly. 35.Emerge from the surface of a body of water. 36.Break down, literally or metaphorically. Synonyms: cave in, collapse, fall in, founder, give, give way. "The business collapsed" , "The dam broke" , "The roof collapsed" , "The wall gave in" , "The roof finally gave under the weight of the ice" 38.Exchange for smaller units of money. 39.Destroy the completeness of a set of related items. Synonym: break up. 40.Make the opening shot that scatters the balls. 41.Separate from a clinch, in boxing. 44.Become punctured or penetrated. 47.Cease an action temporarily. Synonyms: intermit, pause. "Let's break for lunch" 48.Interrupt the flow of current in. 50.Find a flaw in. "Break down a proof" 51.Find the solution or key to. 52.Change suddenly from one tone quality or register to another. 53.Happen. Synonyms: develop, recrudesce. "These political movements recrudesce from time to time" 54.Become fractured; break or crack on the surface only. Synonyms: check, crack. 55.Crack; of the male voice in puberty. 58.Diminish or discontinue abruptly. 59.Weaken or destroy in spirit or body. "A man broken by the terrible experience of near-death"
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