adjective (compar. closer; superl. closest) 1.At or within a short distance in space or time or having elements near each other. "How close are we to town?" , "A close formation of ships" Antonym: distant. 2.Close in relevance or relationship. "We are all...in close sympathy with..." , "Close kin" , "A close resemblance" Antonym: distant. 3.Not far distant in time or space or degree or circumstances. Synonyms: near, nigh. "In the near future" , "They are near equals" , "His nearest approach to success" , "A very near thing" , "A near hit by the bomb" , "She was near tears" , "She was close to tears" , "Had a close call" Antonym: far. 4.Rigorously attentive; strict and thorough. "Paid close attention" , "A close study" , "Kept a close watch on expenditures" 5.Marked by fidelity to an original. Synonym: faithful. "A faithful copy of the portrait" , "A faithful rendering of the observed facts" 6.(of a contest or contestants) evenly matched. Synonym: tight. "A close election" , "A tight game" 8.Lacking fresh air. Synonyms: airless, stuffy, unaired. "The dreadfully close atmosphere" , "Hot and stuffy and the air was blue with smoke" 9.Of textiles. Synonym: tight. "Smooth percale with a very tight weave" 10.Strictly confined or guarded. 11.Confined to specific persons. 13.Used of hair or haircuts. adverb 1.Near in time or place or relationship. Synonyms: near, nigh. "Stood near the door" , "Don't shoot until they come near" , "Getting near to the true explanation" , "Her mother is always near" , "The end draws nigh" , "The bullet didn't come close" , "Don't get too close to the fire" verb (past & past part. closed; pres. part. closing) 1.Move so that an opening or passage is obstructed; make shut. Synonym: shut. "Shut the window" Antonym: open. 2.Become closed. Synonym: shut. Antonym: open. 4.Finish or terminate (meetings, speeches, etc.). Antonym: open. 6.Complete a business deal, negotiation, or an agreement. "They closed the deal on the building" 7.Be priced or listed when trading stops. "My new stocks closed at $59 last night" 8.Engage at close quarters. 9.Cause a window or an application to disappear on a computer desktop. Antonym: open. 10.Change one's body stance so that the forward shoulder and foot are closer to the intended point of impact. 13.Bring together all the elements or parts of. 16.Unite or bring into contact or bring together the edges of. Synonym: close up. "Close a wound" , "Close a book" , "Close up an umbrella" 17.Finish a game in baseball by protecting a lead. noun
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