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Constituted   /kˈɑnstətˌutəd/   Listen

Brought about or set up or accepted; especially long established.  Synonym: established.  "Distrust the constituted authority" , "A team established as a member of a major league" , "Enjoyed his prestige as an established writer" , "An established precedent" , "The established Church"  Antonym: unestablished.


(past & past part. constituted; pres. part. constituting)
Form or compose.  Synonyms: be, comprise, make up, represent.  "The stone wall was the backdrop for the performance" , "These constitute my entire belonging" , "The children made up the chorus" , "This sum represents my entire income for a year" , "These few men comprise his entire army"
Create and charge with a task or function.  Synonyms: appoint, name, nominate.
To compose or represent:.  Synonyms: form, make.  "The branches made a roof" , "This makes a fine introduction"
Set up or lay the groundwork for.  Synonyms: establish, found, institute, plant.

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"Constituted" Quotes from Famous Books

... Lisbon have constituted a company for the navigation of the Quanza. They have constructed to this effect in England a steamer, the Serpa Pinto, which was to be ...
— The American Missionary -- Volume 38, No. 01, January, 1884 • Various

... whole matter was that man had gone bad in the making, and that his Maker was angry at him to the end of time. And that same blundering and angry Maker was the God one had to love and honour. Naturally, being constituted as he is, Brenton, once he had cut his wisdom teeth, turned balky, refused to see why he should love a God who behaved like a bad-tempered child that spites the toy he has broken and beats the wall where he has bumped his ...
— The Brentons • Anna Chapin Ray

... the natives their title to Manhattan Island, paying therefor trinkets and liquor to the value of twenty-four dollars. Governor Minuit built a fortification at the southern end of the island, and called it New Amsterdam. The States-General constituted the colony a county of Holland, and bestowed on it a seal, being a shield enclosed in a chain, with an escutcheon on which was the figure of a beaver. The crest was ...
— The Land We Live In - The Story of Our Country • Henry Mann

... the most extensive portion of Polish territory to Russia, the most populous to Austria, and the most commercial to Prussia. Napoleon I. revived a Polish state out of the provinces that had been seized by Prussia and Austria. This was first constituted into a Grand Duchy under the King of Saxony, and in 1815, when Galicia (with Cracow) was restored to Austria, and Posen to Prussia, Warsaw became again a kingdom under a constitution granted by Alexander I. The old Polish provinces that had fallen to the share of Catherine II. ...
— Russia - As Seen and Described by Famous Writers • Various

... they were rather more than children, and less than young people, he spent many of his evenings with her, somewhat to the loss of position in his classes at the parish school. They were, indeed, much attached to each other; and, peculiarly constituted as Elsie was, one may imagine what kind of heavenly messenger a companion stronger than herself must have been to her. In fact, if she could have framed the undefinable need of her childlike nature into an articulate prayer, it would have been—"Give me some one to love me ...
— The Portent & Other Stories • George MacDonald

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