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Discharge   /dɪstʃˈɑrdʒ/  /dˈɪstʃˌɑrdʒ/   Listen

The sudden giving off of energy.
The act of venting.  Synonym: venting.
A substance that is emitted or released.  Synonym: emission.
Any of several bodily processes by which substances go out of the body.  Synonyms: emission, expelling.
Electrical conduction through a gas in an applied electric field.  Synonyms: arc, electric arc, electric discharge, spark.
The pouring forth of a fluid.  Synonyms: outpouring, run.
The termination of someone's employment (leaving them free to depart).  Synonyms: dismissal, dismission, firing, liberation, release, sack, sacking.
A formal written statement of relinquishment.  Synonyms: release, waiver.
The act of discharging a gun.  Synonyms: firing, firing off.
(past & past part. discharged; pres. part. discharging)
Complete or carry out.  Synonyms: complete, dispatch.
Pour forth or release.
Free from obligations or duties.  Synonym: free.
Remove the charge from.  Antonym: charge.
Go off or discharge.  Synonyms: fire, go off.
Pronounce not guilty of criminal charges.  Synonyms: acquit, assoil, clear, exculpate, exonerate.  Antonym: convict.
Eliminate (a substance).  Synonyms: eject, exhaust, expel, release.  "The plant releases a gas"
Leave or unload.  Synonyms: drop, drop off, put down, set down, unload.  "Drop off the passengers at the hotel"
Cause to go off.  Synonym: fire.  "Fire a bullet"
Release from military service.  Synonym: muster out.  Antonym: enlist.
Become empty or void of its content.  Synonym: empty.  Antonym: fill.

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"Discharge" Quotes from Famous Books

... he seizes her and drags her away to complete his purpose. The signal of war is lighted; her lover, her father, her brothers, her tribe, assemble, and vow revenge on the spoiler. He tells his story to his tribe. They judge the case to be a common one and agree to support him. Battle ensues; they discharge their spears at each other, and legs and arms are transpierced. When the spears are expended the combatants close and every species of violence is practiced. They seize their antagonist and snap like enraged dogs, they wield the sword and club, the bone shatters beneath ...
— A Complete Account of the Settlement at Port Jackson • Watkin Tench

... the factory. You will report your discharge to Mr. Baker, and he will pay you what you have ...
— Brave and Bold • Horatio Alger, Jr.

... back. It was his wife's business to agree. For twenty years and more she had been faithful in the discharge of that duty. That she should suggest an opinion out of harmony with his indicated a lack of discipline, not very serious, perhaps, but a seed which, if permitted to flourish, might develop to ...
— The Homesteaders - A Novel of the Canadian West • Robert J. C. Stead

... must haue helmets likewise and other armour to defend themselues and their horses from the Tartars weapons and arrowes, and they that are vnarmed, must (according to the Tartars custome) march behinde their fellowes, and discharge at the enemie with long bowes and cros-bowes. And (as it is aboue said of the Tartars) they must orderly dispose their bandes and troupes, and ordeine lawes for their souldiers. Whosoeuer runneth to the pray or spoyle, before the ...
— The Principal Navigations, Voyages, Traffiques, and Discoveries - Vol. II • Richard Hakluyt

... affair. Da Gama's guns remained silent, and the "Amy," followed by the other two vessels, made her way unharmed to the wharves. Others followed, and before night all the British and other merchantmen in the harbor were hastening in to discharge their cargoes. Benham had brought to a quick end the "intolerable ...
— Historical Tales - The Romance of Reality - Volume III • Charles Morris

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