verb (past & past part. held; pres. part. holding) 1.Keep in a certain state, position, or activity; e.g.,. Synonyms: keep, maintain. "Hold in place" , "She always held herself as a lady" , "The students keep me on my toes" 2.Have or hold in one's hands or grip. Synonym: take hold. "A crazy idea took hold of him" Antonym: let go of. 3.Organize or be responsible for. Synonyms: give, have, make, throw. "Have, throw, or make a party" , "Give a course" 4.Have or possess, either in a concrete or an abstract sense. Synonyms: have, have got. "He has got two beautiful daughters" , "She holds a Master's degree from Harvard" 5.Keep in mind or convey as a conviction or view. Synonyms: deem, take for, view as. "View as important" , "Hold these truths to be self-evident" , "I hold him personally responsible" 6.Maintain (a theory, thoughts, or feelings). Synonyms: entertain, harbor, harbour, nurse. "Entertain interesting notions" , "Harbor a resentment" 7.To close within bounds, limit or hold back from movement. Synonyms: confine, restrain. "About a dozen animals were held inside the stockade" , "The illegal immigrants were held at a detention center" , "The terrorists held the journalists for ransom" 8.Secure and keep for possible future use or application. Synonyms: hold back, keep back, retain. "I reserve the right to disagree" 9.Have rightfully; of rights, titles, and offices. Synonym: bear. "He held the governorship for almost a decade" 10.Be the physical support of; carry the weight of. Synonyms: hold up, support, sustain. "He supported me with one hand while I balanced on the beam" , "What's holding that mirror?" 11.Contain or hold; have within. Synonyms: bear, carry, contain. "The canteen holds fresh water" , "This can contains water" 12.Have room for; hold without crowding. Synonyms: accommodate, admit. "The theater admits 300 people" , "The auditorium can't hold more than 500 people" 13.Remain in a certain state, position, or condition. "They held on the road and kept marching" 14.Support or hold in a certain manner. Synonyms: bear, carry. "He carried himself upright" 17.Have as a major characteristic. "The book holds in store much valuable advise" 18.Be capable of holding or containing. Synonyms: contain, take. "The flask holds one gallon" 19.Arrange for and reserve (something for someone else) in advance. Synonyms: book, reserve. "The agent booked tickets to the show for the whole family" , "Please hold a table at Maxim's" 20.Protect against a challenge or attack. Synonyms: defend, guard. "Hold the bridge against the enemy's attacks" 21.Bind by an obligation; cause to be indebted. Synonyms: bind, obligate, oblige. "I'll hold you by your promise" 22.Hold the attention of. "This story held our interest" , "She can hold an audience spellbound" 24.Resist or confront with resistance. Synonyms: defy, hold up, withstand. "The new material withstands even the greatest wear and tear" , "The bridge held" 25.Be pertinent or relevant or applicable. Synonyms: apply, go for. "This theory holds for all irrational numbers" , "The same rules go for everyone" 27.Lessen the intensity of; temper; hold in restraint; hold or keep within limits. Synonyms: check, contain, control, curb, hold in, moderate. "Hold your tongue" , "Hold your temper" , "Control your anger" 28.Keep from departing. "Hold the horse" 29.Take and maintain control over, often by violent means. 30.Cause to stop. Synonyms: arrest, halt. "Arrest the progress" , "Halt the presses" 31.Cover as for protection against noise or smell. "Hold one's nose" 32.Drink alcohol without showing ill effects. Synonym: carry. "He had drunk more than he could carry" 33.Aim, point, or direct. 34.Declare to be. Synonyms: adjudge, declare. "Judge held that the defendant was innocent" 35.Be in accord; be in agreement. Synonyms: agree, concord, concur. "I can't agree with you!" , "I hold with those who say life is sacred" , "Both philosophers concord on this point" Antonym: disagree. 36.Keep from exhaling or expelling. noun 2.Understanding of the nature or meaning or quality or magnitude of something. Synonyms: appreciation, grasp. 3.Power by which something or someone is affected or dominated. 5.A state of being confined (usually for a short time). Synonyms: custody, detainment, detention. "The prisoner is on hold" , "He is in the custody of police" 7.A cell in a jail or prison. Synonym: keep. 8.The appendage to an object that is designed to be held in order to use or move it. Synonyms: grip, handgrip, handle. "It was an old briefcase but it still had a good grip"
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