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Slow up   /sloʊ əp/   Listen
Slow up

Become slow or slower.  Synonyms: slack, slacken, slow, slow down.
Cause to proceed more slowly.  Synonyms: slow, slow down.
Lose velocity; move more slowly.  Synonyms: decelerate, retard, slow, slow down.  Antonym: accelerate.

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"Slow up" Quotes from Famous Books

... her slow up this kind of weather, if she wants to," responded the doctor lazily. "I think she's stuck pretty faithfully to the ...
— Rosemary • Josephine Lawrence

... from pillar to post, The morning came silent and gray like a ghost Slow up the canal. I leaned from the prow And listened. Not even the bird in distress Screaming above through the wilderness; Not even the stealthy old water-rat now. Only the bell in the fisherman's tower Slow tolling a-sea and telling the hour To kneel to their sweet Santa Barbara ...
— Mae Madden • Mary Murdoch Mason

... grip. He leaned back in his chair and found support for his head. "You're right," he went on, "I can't stand this racket much longer—this work and worry; we are living beyond our means; we'll have to slow up, get down to a more sane basis." The words came from his blue lips in jerky disjointed sentences. "What's the use, it's too much of a struggle! I do a thousand things I don't want to do, shady things in my practice, things no reputable lawyer should stoop ...
— The Just and the Unjust • Vaughan Kester

... patient a minute; be ca'm, Barb; I'll tell you what I'm talking about. I don't know who cut his wire. I don't know who done it and I won't undertake to say, but what I do say to you, Barb, and I say it hard, you're making a big mistake on this man, and if you don't slow up it'll cost ...
— Laramie Holds the Range • Frank H. Spearman

... answered the other; "and in the most ticklish part of the river, too. I ought to signal the other boat to slow up some more. You see, while there are no rocks around here, the eddies form sandbars that keep changing, just as I understand they do away out in the big Mississippi, so that a pilot on his way up-river finds a new channel cut out, and bars that were never there when he went down ...
— The Banner Boy Scouts Afloat • George A. Warren

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