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More "Conge" Quotes from Famous Books

... 234. Larrey in his History of England seems to have given currency to the legend that Cardan foretold the Archbishop's death. "S'il en faut croire ce que l'Histoire nous dit de ce fameux Astrologe, il donna une terrible preuve de sa science a l'Archeveque qu'il avoit gueri, lorsque prenait conge de lire, il lui tint ce discours: 'Qu'il avoit bien pu le guerir de sa maladie; mais qu'il n'etoit pas en son pouvoir de changer sa destinee, ni d'empecher qu'il ne fut pendu.'"—Larrey, Hist. d'Angleterre, vol. ...
— Jerome Cardan - A Biographical Study • William George Waters

... his arm by chance; And yet in conscience, if I were put to swear, I would be bound to lay a pound, the knave was never there. And hap'ning 'mongst this company by chance one day, I had no sooner nam'd my name, but they ran all away. But now I will to my task, and leave your grace; And so I take my conge of your ...
— A Select Collection of Old English Plays, Vol. VI • Robert Dodsley

... experienced a new and pleasurable thrill in telling him she was already engaged. That thrill disturbed her a little. Was it possible that she was vindictive, wicked? But when she saw Jim approaching while Raymond was receiving his conge, she thrilled again, simultaneously wondering whether she was, after ...
— Missy • Dana Gatlin

... 'en famille' with his old brother in arms. Will you drive with me to my house? I have something of a private nature to say to you. I can give you a seat in my carriage." Major Hardwicke bowed and, obtaining his conge, sat in expectant waiting until the two men were comfortably seated in Johnstone's snuggery in the deserted mansion. They talked indifferently over Abercromby's ...
— A Fascinating Traitor • Richard Henry Savage

... extraordinary to the French Republic, at a place of safety, where he is justly held in honor, I think it my duty to communicate to you a letter received by him from Mr. Gerry, the only one of the three who has not received his conge. This letter, together with another from the minister of foreign relations to him of the 3d of April, and his answer of the 4th, will shew the situation in which he remains—his intentions ...
— A Compilation of the Messages and Papers of the Presidents - Section 2 (of 4) of Volume 1: John Adams • Edited by James D. Richardson

... "Les avertissant qu'il ne leur donneroit conge de se departir jusques a ce qu'ils y eussent donne ordre." Letter of the Sieur du Mortier, French amb. at Rome, to the Bp. of Rennes, Aug. 9, 1561, apud Le Laboureur, Additions to Castelnau, i. 730. This authority would seem to ...
— The Rise of the Hugenots, Vol. 1 (of 2) • Henry Martyn Baird

... out to Joyce that the fact of her thus leaving the Court before the expiration of her visit might suggest itself to some people in a very unpleasant light. They might say she had come to the end of her welcome there—been given her conge, in fact—on account of that luckless adventure with her ...
— April's Lady - A Novel • Margaret Wolfe Hungerford

... shall wed Prince Ernst. He would take away her principality but for the fact that there would be a wholesale disturbance to follow any such act. If I ever meet that watch dog of hers, the Count von Walden, the duffer who gave me my conge, there will be trouble. The world isn't large enough for two such men as we are. By the way, I played roulette at the Casino last night and won 3,000 francs. Well, au revoir or adieu as the case may be. They sell the worst whiskey here you ever heard of. ...
— Arms and the Woman • Harold MacGrath

... je savois que les secretaires et les commis quittoient a cette heure la leurs bureaux, pour aller diner ou il leur plaisoit, je laissai la mon chef-d'oeuvre, et sortis pour me rendre, non chez Monteser, parcequ'il m'avoit paye mes appointemens, et que j'avois pris conge de lui, mais chez le plus fameux traiteur du quartier ...
— Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine - Volume 55, No. 344, June, 1844 • Various

... my conge as secret agent, but it was understood that when the renewal of the revolt from Austria, to which he looked forward at no distant time, was at hand, I should take the place to which I had looked forward in the beginning. I saw one of Kossuth's associates ...
— The Autobiography of a Journalist, Volume I • Stillman, William James

... souvent ladite Jehanne la Pucelle sous un grand arbre qui la fontaine ombroit; et s'apparurent a elle Ste Katerine et Ste Marguerite qui lui dirent qu'elle allast a ung Cappitaine qu'elles lui nommerent, laquelle y alla sans prendre conge ni a pere ni a mere; lequel Cappitaine la vestit en guise d'homme et l'armoit et lui ceint l'epee, et luy bailla un escuyer et quatre varlets; et en ce point fut montee sur un bon cheval; et en ce point vint ...
— The Haunters & The Haunted - Ghost Stories And Tales Of The Supernatural • Various

... nonce, retournant vers celui qui l'envoie, Prend conge de l'enfant, et, comme procureur Du tres victorieux et tres noble empereur, Fait le salut qu'on ...
— La Legende des Siecles • Victor Hugo

... that it was securely locked. Good God! was I to be burned like a rat in a trap? All was quiet save the crackling of the flames as they licked up the depot. Something must be done and quickly at that, or there would be one operator who would receive his conge in a manner that was anything but pleasant. Feverishly, I groped around, and all at once my hand came in contact with the Winchester rifle. I grasped it by the barrel, and using it as a battering ...
— Danger Signals • John A. Hill and Jasper Ewing Brady

... "When he gets his conge he cannot complain of having received encouragement," he said once or twice. "But he's no fool: can it be that he is in love with Miss Lenox all the time, and that he tries to pique her with a show of devotion ...
— Lippincott's Magazine, December 1878 • Various

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