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More "Sa" Quotes from Famous Books

... as a task, the task, that is, of subsisting de gagner sa vie. If this is solved, then that which has been won becomes a burden, and involves the second task of its being got rid of in order to ward off boredom, which, like a bird of prey, is ready to fall upon any life that is ...
— Essays of Schopenhauer • Arthur Schopenhauer

... I got an ailment, I tell you, Tex. This mo'nin' I didn't eat but a few slices of bacon an' some lil' steaks an' a pan or two o' flapjacks an' mebbe nine or ten biscuits. Afterward I felt kind o' bloated like. I need some sa'saparilla. Now, if I could make out to get off for ...
— Oh, You Tex! • William Macleod Raine

... received any attention, or indeed ever been on terms of any intimacy with, she feels the more sensible of the little offices of kindness and courtesy she has received from her.[10] Her husband, Narhar Sa, was the last of the long line of sixty-two sovereigns who reigned over these territories from the year A.D. 358 to the Sagar conquest, A.D. 1781.[11] He died a prisoner in the fortress of Kurai, in the Sagar district, ...
— Rambles and Recollections of an Indian Official • William Sleeman

... I know," asked Pierre slowly, after a long pause, "that what you think about this may not be a mistake?" Marcelline made an impatient gesture, but he went calmly on: "They say Mons. Alphege is a good doctor, and that he is fond of sa belle-mere. How can I take a man's life on a ...
— Lippincott's Magazine, Vol. 22, November, 1878 - of Popular Literature and Science • Various

... of fact, only two relatively small commands facing the city, Wilma told me, but both of them were picked troops of the new Federal Council. Those to the south were a division of veterans who a few weeks before had destroyed the Han city of Sa-Lus (St. Louis). On the east were a number of the Colorado Gangs and an expeditionary force of our own Wyomings. The attack on Lo-Tan was intended chiefly as an attack on the morale of the Hans of the other twelve cities. If there seemed to be a chance of victory, the operations ...
— The Airlords of Han • Philip Francis Nowlan

... silencieuse, ou la nymphe se penche Sur la source des bois qui lui sert de miroir, Et reve en regardant mourir sa forme blanche Dans l'eau pale ou ...
— Lippincott's Magazine of Popular Literature and Science, Vol. 26, September 1880 • Various

... tapinois se rejouit Tandis que l'insense jouit Du plaisir de faire tapage. Plus envie que dedaigne Par cette espece atrabilaire Qui pense qu'un air refrogne La met au dessus du vulgaire, La privation de tes bienfaits Seule fait naitre sa satyre; Charmante idole du Francois Chez lui reside ton empire: Tes detracteurs font les pedans, Les avares et les amans De cette gloire destructive Qui peuple l'infernale rive, Et remplit l'univers d'exces. L'ambitieux dans son delire N'eprouve ...
— A Year's Journey through France and Part of Spain, Volume II (of 2) • Philip Thicknesse

... "flagstone" business), "and he owned tew or t'ree boots and stored 'em hisself. Well, when they come to make up (and o' coorse he'd chudged the men for the stores, ah! and chudged 'em high!) they went t'rew the stores an' found as he'd weighted up the sugar and such like wi' flagstone! Well, they made it sa hot for him at Yarmouth that he had ta mewve ta Lowestoft, and he was allust called Flagstone Smith arter that. I reckon as the Guv'nor heerd the yarn and liked ...
— Edward FitzGerald and "Posh" - "Herring Merchants" • James Blyth

... les vertus dont il avait donne l'exemple, et surtout sa bonte, envers les habitants de la Palestine, qu'il avait traites comme ses propres sujets. Les uns exprimaient leur reconnaissance par de vives acclamations, les autres par une morne silence; tout le peuple qu'affligeait son depart, les proclamait le pere des Chretiens, et conjurait ...
— Palestine or the Holy Land - From the Earliest Period to the Present Time • Michael Russell

... church. The monument, which is of marble, consists of a sarcophagus, above which is a cherub in the act of crowning a beautiful bust of Sir Richard with a laurel wreath, above is a shield of arms, within an orb ar. sa. a spread eagle of the first bearing an escutcheon of pretence ar. a lion ppr. in chief in base a chev. gu. charged with three escallop shells of the first, impaling a saltire sa. between four crosses fitche ...
— The Mirror of Literature, Amusement, and Instruction - Vol. 14, Issue 394, October 17, 1829 • Various

... triumphed. The profligate Madame du Deffand, who occupies so conspicuous a place in the annals of the French court in the days of its greatest corruption, has little sympathy with a situation of this kind, and is led to exclaim: Le fade personnage que votre Petrarque! que sa Laure etait sotte et precieuse! But Petrarch himself thought otherwise, for he has written thereupon: "A woman taught me the duty of a man! To persuade me to keep the path of virtue, her conduct was at once an example ...
— Women of the Romance Countries • John R. Effinger

... or cowries (sbai) to a place where three roads meet. Here they summon the spirit of the departed in a loud voice, and throw up the seeds or cowries into the air, and when they fall to the ground they say, "to alle noh ba ngin sa lum sa kynshew noh ia phi," come now we will collect you (the idea being that the seeds represent the bones of the deceased). Having collected the seeds, they place them on a bier and perform the service for the dead just in the same way as if a real dead body were to ...
— The Khasis • P. R. T. Gurdon

... aussi remarque cet etrange visage. Comme si je l'ai deja vu ... est-ce en reve? ... en demi-delire? Ou dans sa petite enfance?"[14] ...
— Yama (The Pit) • Alexandra Kuprin

... "My father's name was Py-e-sa; the father of his father was Na-na-ma-kee, or Thunder. I was a brave, and afterwards a chief, a leading war-chief, carrying the medicine bag. I fought against the Osages. Did I fear them? No. Did I often win the ...
— History, Manners, and Customs of the North American Indians • George Mogridge

... with suspicion on the sober treatment of the West, where no joss-stick is burnt, and no paper money is offered on the altar of some favourite P'u-sa; though, if they knew the whole truth, they would discover that intercessory prayers for the recovery of sick persons are considered by many of us to be of equal importance with the administration of pills and draughts. Further, ...
— Chinese Sketches • Herbert A. Giles

... be obeied, in worthines of their state and wisedome, to be embraced in chief honour and veneracion to bee taken, by whose industrie, knowledge and experience, the whole bodie of the common wealth and kyngdome, is supported and sa- ued. The state of euery one vniuersallie would come to par- dicion, if the inuasion of foraine Princes, by the wisedom and pollicie of counsailers, were not repelled. The horrible actes of wicked men would burste ...
— A booke called the Foundacion of Rhetorike • Richard Rainolde

... Metz contient plus de 500 doubles; celle de Douai, 250; celle de Colmar, 100; des materiaux importants pour l'histoire de diverses villes sont reunis dans la bibliotheque d'Aix, assez indigente sur sa propre histoire: et ainsi Lyon, Arles, Nantes sont prives de documents precieux pour leurs anciennes annales. Les archives de la prefecture de Dijon renferment des titres et des chartes du duche de Savoie, en echange desquels le roi de Sardaigne ...
— Movement of the International Literary Exchanges, between France and North America from January 1845 to May, 1846 • Various

... me, O auspicious King, that when the Slave of the Signet-ring acquainted Ma'aruf with his case, the Merchant asked him, "What is thy name?" and the Jinni answered, "My name is Abu al-Sa'adat.[FN65]" Quoth Ma'aruf, "O Abu al-Sa'adat what is this place and who enchanted thee in this casket?"; and quoth he, "O my lord, this is a treasure called the Hoard of Shaddad son of Ad, him who the base of 'Many-columned Iram laid, the like of which in the lands ...
— The Book of the Thousand Nights and a Night, Volume 10 • Richard F. Burton

... said the king, "ye shall gang roun' to yere place again; for sa meikle as these country gowks mauna ken the ...
— Traditions of Lancashire, Volume 1 (of 2) • John Roby

... devore Le reptile acharne qui le combat encore; Il le perce, il le tient sous ses ongles vainqueurs; Par cent coups redoubles il venge ses douleurs. Le monstre, en expirant, se debat, se replie; Il exhale en poisons les restes de sa vie; Et l'aigle, tout sanglant, fier et victorieux, Le rejette en fureur, et plane au haut ...
— Life of Cicero - Volume One • Anthony Trollope

... throat] While we're waitin' for Lord William—if you're interested in wine—[Philosophically] you can read the history of the times in this cellar. Take 'ock: [He points to a bin] Not a bottle gone. German product, of course. Now, that 'ock is 'sa 'avin' the time of its life—maturin' grandly; got a wonderful chance. About the time we're bringin' ourselves to drink it, we shall be havin' the next great war. With luck that 'ock may lie there another quarter of a century, ...
— Forsyte Saga • John Galsworthy

... les surpasse En beaux jardins et pres herbus, Dignes d'estre au lieu de Parnasse Le sejour des soeurs de Phebus. Mainte belle source ondoyante, Decoulant de cent lieux divers, Maintient sa terre verdoyante ...
— Recollections of My Youth • Ernest Renan

... of dice, called "sa'-ro," is universal. Instead of the familiar dots the marks on the small wooden cubes are incised lines made with a knife. These lines follow no set pattern. One pair of dice which I observed were marked as shown ...
— Negritos of Zambales • William Allan Reed

... l'erreur et court aussitot apres Moliere. "Vous vous etes trompe, lui dit-il: vous m'avez donne un louis d'or au lieu d'un sou." Moliere, etonne, lui dit de le garder, et lui en donna un autre pour le recompenser de sa probite, en s'ecriant: "Ou ...
— French Conversation and Composition • Harry Vincent Wann

... snatching up the animal and kissing it. 'You want to go with your mamma? Yess. What do you think of my fox? She is real English. Elle est si gentille avec sa mere! Ma Mimisse! Ma petite fille! My little girl! Dites, mon ami'—she abandoned the dog—'have you some money ...
— A Great Man - A Frolic • Arnold Bennett

... in its eastern wall is a three-light memorial window to his sister, Mrs. Elizabeth Jane Ruck Keene. In the south wall of the chancel are two late four-centre two-light windows; and in the north wall a three-light flamboyant window. Gervase Holles mentions a north chancel window having "sa. a crosse between 4 cinquefoyles arg. . . .," {179} but this has disappeared. The east window is modern, with three lights. A new window was erected, in 1907, in the north aisle (corresponding to a window inserted in 1905, in memory of General and Mrs. Elmhirst), ...
— A History of Horncastle - from the earliest period to the present time • James Conway Walter

... in all the children's schools are now singing the Song of Hiros['e] Ch[u]sa, which is a marching song. The words and the music are published in a little booklet, with a portrait of the late commander upon the cover. Everywhere, and at all hours of the day, one ...
— The Romance of the Milky Way - And Other Studies & Stories • Lafcadio Hearn

... but it is certain that he would have made a separate peace with France, after his return, had Oxford been willing. See Torcy's "Memoires" (vol. ii., p. 202). "Bolingbroke avoit conseille a la Reine sa maitresse de preferer une paix particuliere a la suspension d'armes, et d'assurer au plus tot a ses sujets la jouissance de toutes les conditions dont le Roi etoit convenu en faveur de ...
— The Prose Works of Jonathan Swift, Vol. X. • Jonathan Swift

... sent to Goa as Viceroy, Don Garcia de Sa had lived there long enough to know the treacherous natures of the Brahmins who dwelt near, and feared to let his child run the risk of being ...
— Dyke Darrel the Railroad Detective - Or, The Crime of the Midnight Express • Frank Pinkerton

... away by force of example, gave every encouragement to a movement which attracted worshippers to a common sanctuary, and united in one cult the two races over which they ruled. They pulled down the meagre building of the Sa'ite period which had hitherto sufficed for the worship of Isis, constructed at great cost the temple which still remains almost intact, and assigned to it considerable possessions in Nubia, which, in addition to gifts from private individuals, made ...
— History Of Egypt, Chaldaea, Syria, Babylonia, and Assyria, Volume 1 (of 12) • G. Maspero

... layen three herring a' sa't, Bonny lass, gin ze'll take me, tell me now, And I hae brew'n three pickles o' ma't And I cannae cum ilka day to woo. To woo, to woo, to lilt and to woo, And I cannae cum ilka day ...
— Lyrics from the Song-Books of the Elizabethan Age • Various

... "I sa—ay?" Gavrilo drawled dubiously. "If only I'd all that!" be sighed, recalling all at once the village, his poor little bit of land, his poverty, his mother, and all that was so far away and so near his heart; for ...
— Creatures That Once Were Men • Maxim Gorky

... an excess of content and delight. It was a real pleasure to watch him; not for days had anything so amusing appeared on the other side of the prison-bars. But as soon as the keeper saw that the man in the water was amusing his prisoner, he leaned over the ship's side and shouted, "Sa-ay, you, don't you know there's ...
— The Lion and the Unicorn and Other Stories • Richard Harding Davis

... their childhood in music, and who, if they had ever possessed any talent, had had it all spoilt for them by the Jews? 'Oh, croyez-moi, il y avait de l'espoir pour l'Allemagne lorsque j'etais empereur de la musique a Berlin; mais depuis que le roi de Prusse a livre sa musique au desordre occasionne par les deux juifs errants qu'il a attires, tout espoir ...
— My Life, Volume I • Richard Wagner

... Depot des Affaires etrangeres at Versailles. It was lately communicated to the author while in France. "Convention verbale arretee le 1 Avril 1681. Charles 2 s'engage a ne rien omettre pour pouvoir faire connoitre a sa majeste qu'elle avoit raison de prendre confiance en lui; a se degager peu-a-peu de l'alliance avec l'Espagne, et a se mettre en etat de ne point etre contraint par son parlement de faire quelque chose d'oppose aux nouveaux engagemens ...
— The History of England in Three Volumes, Vol.I., Part F. - From Charles II. to James II. • David Hume

... on to Suez with his baggage and followed him soon after on a camel through a "haggard land infested with wild beasts and wilder men." At Suez he made the acquaintance of some Medina and Mecca folk, who were to be his fellow-travellers; including "Sa'ad the Demon," a negro who had two boxes of handsome apparel for his three Medina wives and was resolved to "travel free;" and Shaykh Hamid, a "lank Arab foul with sweat," who never said his prayers because ...
— The Life of Sir Richard Burton • Thomas Wright

... pour en faire usage ici une scene tres belle d'une vieille chanson de geste, GIRART DE ROUSILLON, je crois, ou l'on voit une fille de roi contempler, la nuit, apres une bataille, la plaine ou gisent les guerriers innombrables tomber pour sa querelle. "Elle eut voulu, dit le poete, les embrasser tous." Et, du fond de mes tres lointains souvenirs, cette royale fille m'apparait comme une image de notre France pleurant aujourd'hui la fleur de sa race ...
— Defenders of Democracy • The Militia of Mercy

... with injured surprise and then tittered, "Miss Barb wear a shawl—fo' de Lawd's sa-ake! Why, Mr. March, evm you knows betteh'n dat, seh." Her glow of happiness stayed while she drew forth a letter and laid it ...
— John March, Southerner • George W. Cable

... quand ils visiteront le village ou la ville dans lesquels leur chateau particulier se trouve. L'argent qu'on a deja donne a fait beaucoup pour avancer le travail de la reconstruction. Nous fumes charmees de decouvrir que, quand il retombait dans sa langue natale, nous pumes avec peu de difficulte le comprendre. Apres que la derniere projection eut ete montree, le Duc voulut beaucoup une photographie des eleves de Northrop School. En consequence nous nous assemblames au cote sud de l'ecole ou Mlle. Bagier fit deux photographies ...
— The 1926 Tatler • Various

... A list of signs obtained from O-QO-HIS'-SA (the Mare, better known as Little Raven) and NA'-WATC (Left Hand), members of a delegation of Arapaho and Cheyenne Indians, from Darlington, Ind. T., who visited Washington during the summer ...
— Sign Language Among North American Indians Compared With That Among Other Peoples And Deaf-Mutes • Garrick Mallery

... que tout ce que chacun aliene, par le pacte social, de sa puissance, de ses biens, de sa liberte, c'est seulement la partie de tout cela dont l'usage importe a la communaute; mais il faut convenir aussi que le souverain seul est juge de cette importance." ...
— The Declaration of the Rights of Man and of Citizens • Georg Jellinek

... people, "Sir," said he, "I have sometimes been compelled to commit hostilities upon them, but never without suffering the most poignant regret; for, independent of my own feelings on the occasion, his Majesty's (Louis XVI) last words to me, de sa propre bouche, when I took leave of him at Versailles, were: 'It is my express injunction, that you always treat the Indian nations with kindness and humanity. Gratify their wishes, and never, but in a case of the last necessity, when self-defence requires it, shed ...
— A Complete Account of the Settlement at Port Jackson • Watkin Tench

... Buffalmacco pittore Fiorentino, il qual fu discepolo d' Andrea Tafi, e come uomo burlevole celebrato da Messer Giovanni Boccaccio nel suo Decamerone, fu come si sa carissimo compagno di Bruno e di Calendrino pittori ancor essi faceti e piacevole, e, come si puo vedere nell' opere sue sparse per tutta Toscana, di assai buon giudizio ...
— The Well of Saint Clare • Anatole France

... and dangerous region in all north Formosa was that surrounding the small town of Sa-kak-eng. In the mountains near by lived a band of robbers who kept the people in a constant state of dread by their terrible deeds of plunder and murder. Sometimes the frightened townspeople would help the highwaymen ...
— The Black-Bearded Barbarian (George Leslie Mackay) • Mary Esther Miller MacGregor, AKA Marion Keith

... cy emblera, Propter suam maliciam Au gibet pendu sera, Repugnando superbiam Au gibet sera sa maison, Sive suis parentibus, Car ce sera bien raison, Exemplum ...
— Notes and Queries, Number 188, June 4, 1853 • Various

... "Oh, Je-ru-sa-lem,'" again exploded Sammy. "You wanted an airship, didn't you? 'Way up in the air—not so's you can reach it from the ground. Why, we'll string the wire from my bedroom window to one of the windows of the room you and ...
— The Corner House Girls Growing Up - What Happened First, What Came Next. And How It Ended • Grace Brooks Hill

... a occupee le pays sans le 'gouverner,' ou en ne le gouvernant que de son propre interet de classe: son hegemonie a ete toute sa politique." ...
— Ireland and the Home Rule Movement • Michael F. J. McDonnell

... talk about eet, signor," said the Italian, with a strange look. "Eet'sa bad to say I was his ...
— Traffic in Souls - A Novel of Crime and Its Cure • Eustace Hale Ball

... trafic en Espagne, pour maintenir le plus important commerce que nous ayons, que je suis persuade que vous ferez toutes les instances qui pourront dependre de vous ... en sorte que cette protection produira des avantages considerables au commerce des sujets de Sa ...
— The Buccaneers in the West Indies in the XVII Century • Clarence Henry Haring

... Idees Napoleoniennes. La loi du progres avait jadis l'inexorable rigueur du destin; elle prend maintenant de jour en jour la douce puissance de la Providence. C'est l'erreur, c'est l'iniquite, c'est le vice, que la civilisation tend a emporter dans sa marche irresistible; mais la vie des individus et des peuples est devenue pour elle une chose sacree. Elle transforme plutot qu'elle ne detruit les choses qui s'opposent a son developpement; elle procede par absorption graduelle plutot que par brusque execution; elle aime a conquerir ...
— Lectures on Modern history • Baron John Emerich Edward Dalberg Acton

... da'lionadh, Tha 'n inntinn pianail bho n' ghlac thu 'm bas, 'S iad a ghnath fuidh thiorachd 's nach faigh iad sgial ort, Ach thu bhi iosal an ciste chlar Bu tu ceann na riaghailt 'us lamh na fialachd, A sheoid gun fhiaradh, gun ghiamh gun sgath, 'Sa nis bho 'n thriall thu, 's sinn lan dha d' iargan, 'S nach eil 's na criochan fear ...
— The Celtic Magazine, Vol. 1, No. 3, January 1876 • Various

... The gigantic executioner—the strangler—named Sa'ad, seized Abd el Rahman by the right arm. Musa, his tar-hued companion, gripped him by the left. Never a word uttered the Apostate as he was led away through the horsemen. But he gave one backward look, piercing and strange, at the Master ...
— The Flying Legion • George Allan England

... necessary; nay more—a Christian duty. The young wife was seized in the street with her attendant and thrown into prison; on the rack she entirely lost the power of speech. The old physician and the doctor were warned in time, and kept closely concealed. Through Chamberlain de Sa, her uncle—or was it only her cousin?—through de Sa the wife regained her liberty, and then I believe all three fled to France—the father, son and wife. But no, they must have ...
— Uarda • Georg Ebers

... good bow in thy hand," said Robin, "Let Much wend-e with thee, And so shall William Scath-elock, And no man abide with me: And walk up to the Sa-yl-es, And so to Watling Street, And wait after some unketh gest, Up-chance ye mowe them meet. Be he earl or any bar-on, Abb-ot or any knight, Bring him to lodge to me, His dinner ...
— A Bundle of Ballads • Various

... Corbett vs. Poelnitz, 1 T. R., 5, that if a husband and wife choose to separate, and the husband allows the wife a separate maintenance, she may contract and be sued as though she were unmarried, and may be held to bail and imprisoned on a ca. sa. without her husband. The court made this innovation on the ground that "the times alter new customs, and new manners arise, which require new exceptions, and a different ...
— History of Woman Suffrage, Volume II • Elizabeth Cady Stanton, Susan B. Anthony, and Matilda Joslyn Gage

... of sound began to take form. It began to emerge in a measure, a boom-boom-boom of tambours and big goatskin drums. A bamboo fife struck into a high, quavering note. The singing club of Sidibou-Sa ...
— O. Henry Memorial Award Prize Stories of 1921 • Various

... slavery time. De men went courtin'. When a man, a slave, loved a 'oman on another plantation dey axed der master, sometimes de master would ax de other master. If dey agreed all de slave man an' 'oman had ter de [HW: do] Sa'dy night wuz fer him to come over an' dey would go to bed together. Dere wuz no marriage—until atter de surrender. All who wanted to keep de same 'oman atter de surrender had to pay 25c fer er marriage license, den $1.50, den $3.00. If de magistrate married ...
— Slave Narratives: a Folk History of Slavery in the United States From Interviews with Former Slaves, North Carolina Narratives, Part 2 • Works Projects Administration

... "Chi lo sa? Who knows, Signorina?" he said, half whispering. "There are stories—I have heard—the Signorina sees these ilex trees? Over yonder was a great one in my father's day, and the old Count Accolanti would have it cut. He came to watch it as it fell, and the tree tumbled the wrong way and ...
— Daphne, An Autumn Pastoral • Margaret Pollock Sherwood

... air bard an Rugha 'Sa phiuthar a dol a phosadh B-fhearr dhuit fuireach aig a bhaile Mo nach ...
— The Celtic Magazine, Vol. 1, No. 1, November 1875 • Various

... has the right foot in the form of a fish's tail, the booty of the country of the humble will not be imas sa bir; ...
— Anomalies and Curiosities of Medicine • George M. Gould

... conspicuously powerful were charged with the superintendence of several uji, and were distinguished as o-omi and o-muraji. It became customary to appoint an o-omi and an o-muraji at the Court, just as in later days there was a sa-daijin (minister of the Left) and an u-daijin (minister of the Right). The o-omi supervised all members of the Kwobetsu-uji occupying administrative posts at Court, and the o-muraji discharged a similar function in the case of members ...
— A History of the Japanese People - From the Earliest Times to the End of the Meiji Era • Frank Brinkley and Dairoku Kikuchi

... "Sa-ay. Listen to me, young fellow. I'm going to bump you off one o' these days sure. Me, I don't like yore name nor the color of yore hair nor the map you wear for a face. I'm a killer. Me, Dan Meldrum. And I serve notice ...
— The Sheriff's Son • William MacLeod Raine

... adrey tiro tatcho tan; Medeveleskoe si tiro nav; awel tiro tem, be kairdo tiro lav acoi drey pov sa odoi adrey kosgo tan: dey mande ke-divvus miry diry morro, ta fordel man sor so me pazzorrus tute, sa me fordel sor so wavior mushor pazzorrus amande; ma riggur man adrey kek dosch, ley man abri sor wafodu; tiro se o tem, tiro or zoozli-wast, tiro ...
— The Zincali - An Account of the Gypsies of Spain • George Borrow

... "Je—roo—sa—lem!" he ejaculated, drawing in his breath, as Shock turned away. "I'll be ready fer you next time. I prefer a grizzly myself." He looked down at his finger nails. "Didn't expect to see 'em on," he observed. "And say, boys," turning to the crowd, "I ...
— The Prospector - A Tale of the Crow's Nest Pass • Ralph Connor

... in the afternoon of the thirty-first day of December, this East Indian peered cautiously into the French window of the Hare bungalow. The picture he saw there sent a thrill into his heart. She was as fair and beautiful as an houri of Sa'adi. She sat at a desk, holding a long white envelope in her hand. By and by she put it away, and he was particular to note the drawer in which she placed it. That the dark-haired girl at the tea tabouret was equally charming did not stir the watcher. Dark-haired women ...
— The Adventures of Kathlyn • Harold MacGrath

... right off yere, when I think about it," and he laid his hand on his heart, "but I'd better be shufflin' off home, an' I'll tell you a heap more sometime," and as he went through the yard, I heard him singing "dat New Je-ru-sa-lem," prolonging the last word, as if it was too musical ...
— The Harvest of Years • Martha Lewis Beckwith Ewell

... whilst he jalled for the juckal. Wellin' alangus, he dicked a barvelo givescro, who penned, "'Avacai an' husker mandy to lel my guruvni (gruvni) avree the ditch, and I'll del you pange cullos" (caulos). So he lelled it. But at the kunsus of the divvus, sa yuv sus kennin apre sustis wongurs, he penned, "How wafro it is mandy nashered the trinoras I might ...
— The English Gipsies and Their Language • Charles G. Leland

... se fait adorer de ses entours et du public; il n'est pas encore survenu un seul inconvenient grave dans sa conduite."—Mercy a Marie-Therese, Novembre 16, ...
— The Life of Marie Antoinette, Queen of France • Charles Duke Yonge

... l'interet profond qu'elle ne manque jamais de prendre a de tels sujets, et la reputation eminente de cultivateur des sciences et de la litterature, dont elle jouit avec tant de justice. J'y ai joint une lettre de moi-meme, adressee a sa Majeste le ...
— Maria Mitchell: Life, Letters, and Journals • Maria Mitchell

... JANE achete sa charcuterie, et apres elle s'arrete au coin de la rue pour regarder Paris. C'etait un tic qu'elle avait, de regarder Paris. Cela tenait de la ...
— Punch, Or The London Charivari, VOL. 100. Feb. 28, 1891 • Various

... 'Litterateur'—that he had called, in compliment to my distinguished reputation—'qu'il n'avait pas ete recu—qu'il n'etait pas habitue a cette sorte de procede—et qu'il pria Monsieur Dickens d'oublier son nom, sa memoire, sa carte, et sa visite, et de considerer qu'elle n'avait pas ete rendu!' Of course I wrote him a very polite reply immediately, telling him good-humouredly that he was quite mistaken, and that there were always two weeks ...
— The Life of Charles Dickens, Vol. I-III, Complete • John Forster

... peuple juif n'est pas seulement considerable par son antiquite, mais il est encore singulier en sa duree, qui a toujours continue depuis son origine jusqu'a maintenant ... S'etendant depuis les premiers temps jusqu'aux derniers, l'histoire des juifs enferme dans sa duree celle de toutes nos histoires.—PASCAL, Pensees, ...
— Jewish History • S. M. Dubnow

... in my mouth when I sid the journey was over, and this the great house afoore me, and I sa near my aunt that I never sid till noo, and Dame Crowl, that I was come to wait upon, and was ...
— Madam Crowl's Ghost and The Dead Sexton • Joseph Sheridan Le Fanu

... un globe de lumiere S'echappa quelquefois de la voute de cieux, Et traca dans sa chute un long sillon de feux, La ...
— Memoirs of Extraordinary Popular Delusions and the Madness of Crowds • Charles Mackay

... aire With vtterance of our pretence therein, For feare the priuie whispring of the winde Conuay our words amongst vnfreendly eares, That lye too open to aduantages. Et quel che voglio io, nessun lo sa, Intendo io quel ...
— The Spanish Tragedie • Thomas Kyd

... the Caliph's order hordes of Nomads came to reinforce their troops. The struggle lasted for three days and three nights; the Persian army was entirely destroyed, and the royal standard fell into the hands of the Arabs. [8] Yezdezard, informed of this misfortune, escaped to Holwan. Sa'd, having taken possession of Madain, pursued the fugitive monarch, ...
— Les Parsis • D. Menant

... sauvage Tout noir, tour barbouilla, Ouich' ka! Avec sa vieill' couverte Et son sac a tabac. Ouich' ka! Ah! ah! tenaouich' tenaga, Tenaouich' tenaga, ...
— The Crossing • Winston Churchill

... and in speciall upon Pasche day last was, in the hows of Jhon Graham in Pannalis he ministrat to ane hundreth personis. He oft tymmis called nocht comperand beand of befoir divers tymmis monest to desist tharfra under panis of excommunicacion now wordely mentis the sam to be execut aganis hym and sa decretit to be used." ...
— Chronicles of Strathearn • Various

... it at the battle or other deeds of arms, where the prisoners are taken, he that may first have his Faye shall have him for a prisoner, and need not abide by him;" by Faye, probably the promise given by the vanquished to his captor to remain his prisoner, is understood; as the expression donner sa foi, occurs in various French historians. The value of a ransom is sometimes estimated at one year's income of a man's estate, and this opinion is supported by the custom of allowing a year's liberty to captives to procure the sum agreed upon. By the feudal law, every tenant or vassal was bound ...
— The Mirror of Literature, Amusement, and Instruction - Volume 17, No. 478, Saturday, February 26, 1831 • Various

... in his very learned and able critical essay, Fernand Colomb, sa Vie et ses Oeuvres, Paris, 1872, has made it at least extremely probable that the Historie is a spurious work. The compiler may have found this observation in some of the writings of Columbus now lost, but however ...
— The Earth as Modified by Human Action • George P. Marsh

... confusion.) Oh! I didn't mean that. I wasn't thinking of mou—eggs for an instant. I mean salt. Won't you have some sa—- sweets? (Aside.) He'll think me a raving lunatic. I wish Mamma ...
— Soldiers Three • Rudyard Kipling

... published by Johann Joachim Bellermann, under the title of; Ueber die Scarabaeen-Gemmen, nebst Versuchen die darauf befindlichen Hieroglyphen zu erklaeren, one in 1820, the other 1821. Another very small catalogue entitled; Scarabees Egyptiens, figures du Musee des Antiquea de sa majeste l'Empereur, Vienne, de l'Imprimerie d'Antoine Strauss, 1824, was published in that year in Vienna. None of the above contain information of ...
— Scarabs • Isaac Myer

... clear, then, that whatever was De Ruyter's intention, the Dutch did not fight in a true line. Later on in the same action he says: 'Ruyter de son cote appliqua toute son industrie pour donner une meilleure forme a sa ligne ... enfin par ce moyen nous nous remismes sur une ligne parallele a celle des Anglais.' Finally, in summing up the tactical lesson of the stupendous battle, he concludes: 'A la verite l'ordre admirable de leur [the English] armee doit toujours etre imite, et pour moi je sais bien que si j'etais ...
— Fighting Instructions, 1530-1816 - Publications Of The Navy Records Society Vol. XXIX. • Julian S. Corbett

... carte que l'on a mise icy, tire sa premiere origine de celle que l'on a fait tailler de pieces rapportees, sur le pave de la nouvelle Maison-de-Ville d'Amsterdam." ...
— A Voyage to Terra Australis • Matthew Flinders

... the cockis of Crawmound crew nevir at day, For dule of that devillisch deme wes with Mahoun mareit, And the henis of Hadingtoun sensyne wald not lay, For this wild wibroun wich thame widlit sa and wareit; And the same North Berwik Law, as I heir wyvis say, This Carling, with a fals east, wald away careit; For to luck on quha sa lykis, na langer scho tareit: All this languor for love before tymes fell, Lang or Betok was born, ...
— Minstrelsy of the Scottish Border, Vol. II (of 3) • Walter Scott

... me un'erstan' by that, Miss Horn?" returned Malcolm. "I hear no ill o' her. I daursay she's no jist a sa'nt yet, but that's no to be luiked for in ane o' the breed: they maun a' try the warl' first ony gait. There's a heap o' fowk—an' no aye the warst, maybe," continued Malcolm, thinking of his father, "'at wull ha'e their bite o' the aipple ...
— The Marquis of Lossie • George MacDonald

... along the Corinthian Gulf east of AEtolia, was inhabited by a wild, uncivilized race, scarcely Hellen'ic in character, and said to have been addicted, from the earliest period, to theft and rapine. Their two principal towns were Amphis'sa and Naupac'tus, the latter now called Lepanto. There was another settlement of the Locri north ...
— Mosaics of Grecian History • Marcius Willson and Robert Pierpont Willson

... is produced from milk, there can be no sacrifice. The sa may refer to Soma, but sacrifice is ...
— The Mahabharata of Krishna-Dwaipayana Vyasa, Volume 4 • Kisari Mohan Ganguli

... had a classy hang-over, Wrenn. I was at the Amusieren Rathskeller till four this morning, and then I had a couple of nips before breakfast, and then I didn't have any breakfast. But sa-a-a-ay, man, I sure did have some fiesta last night. There was ...
— Our Mr. Wrenn - The Romantic Adventures of a Gentle Man • Sinclair Lewis

... the mainland "Al-ay-ek-sa," which signifies "great country," and the word has been corrupted into "Alaska." This immense empire, it will be remembered, was sold by Russia to the United States October 18, 1867, for $7,500,000. The country was discovered by Vitus Behring ...
— Oregon, Washington and Alaska; Sights and Scenes for the Tourist • E. L. Lomax

... Lunden avoit beaucoup de part dans sa confiance. C'etoit un homme de basse naissance, sans erudition, et meme sans habilete; mais savant dans l'art d'inventer de nouveaux plaisirs, et qui en connoissoit egalement tous les secrets et les assaisonnemens. Il etoit redevable de sa faveur et de son ...
— Gustavus Vasa - and other poems • W. S. Walker

... secretary general]; Arab Land Party [Dr. Muhammad al-'ORAN, secretary general]; Communist Party [Munir HAMARINAH, secretary general]; Constitutional Front [Mahdi al-TALL, secretary general]; Jordanian Democratic Popular Unity Party [Sa'id DHIYAB, secretary general]; Jordanian Progressive Party [Fawwaz al-ZUBI, secretary general]; Jordanian People's Democratic (Hashd) Party [Salim al-NAHHAS, secretary general]; Islamic Action Front [Hazma MANSOUR, secretary general]; National Action (Haqq) Party [Muhammad ...
— The 2003 CIA World Factbook • United States. Central Intelligence Agency

... crime. The syllogism has produced all the evils which the fabulist so eloquently condemned, and has done nothing good or useful: it is as devoid of truth as of justice. We might apply to it these words of Scripture: "Celui qui met en lui sa confiance, perira." Consequently, the best philosophers long since condemned it; so that now none but the enemies of reason wish to ...
— What is Property? - An Inquiry into the Principle of Right and of Government • P. J. Proudhon

... I am going to lend all my salt to these poor men who cannot get it any other way. You fellows who have money in your pockets, you may go to Sa' Loui', by gar, and ...
— Old Kaskaskia • Mary Hartwell Catherwood

... before you was born or thought on in this world should know a thing or two more'n you. Why, I've laid you on your stomach and trotted you to trot up the wind many a day, and I was pretty experienced then, and it ain't likely that I'm a-goin' to take sa'ce from you. Mara Pennel is a gal as has every bit and grain as much resolution and ambition as you have, for all you flap your wings and crow so much louder, and she's one of the close-mouthed sort, that ...
— The Pearl of Orr's Island - A Story of the Coast of Maine • Harriet Beecher Stowe

... hartis consolatioun lyis in praesepio, And schynis as the Sone, Matris in gremio, Alpha es et O, Alpha es et O. O Jesu parvule! I thrist sore efter the, |45| Confort my hart and mynde, O puer optime, God of all grace sa kynde, et princeps gloriae Trahe me post te, Trahe me post te. Ubi sunt gaudia, in ony place bot thair, Quhair that the Angellis sing Nova cantica, Bot and the bellis ring in regis curia, God gif I war thair, God gif ...
— Christmas in Ritual and Tradition, Christian and Pagan • Clement A. Miles

... century after the Arab conquest of North Africa, successive Moorish dynasties began to rule in Morocco. In the 16th century, the Sa'adi monarchy, particularly under Ahmad AL-MANSUR (1578-1603), repelled foreign invaders and inaugurated a golden age. In 1860, Spain occupied northern Morocco and ushered in a half century of trade rivalry among European powers that saw Morocco's ...
— The 2005 CIA World Factbook • United States. Central Intelligence Agency

... teaching of Parsara's son (Vysa),—which was brought up from the middle of the milk-ocean of the Upanishads—which restores to life the souls whose vital strength had departed owing to the heat of the fire of transmigratory existence—which was well guarded by the teachers of old—which was obscured by the mutual conflict ...
— The Vedanta-Sutras with the Commentary by Ramanuja - Sacred Books of the East, Volume 48 • Trans. George Thibaut

... at the least sign of Sam's former tricks Ben would crook his little finger and wag it warningly, or call out "Bulrushes!" and Sam subsided with reluctant submission, to the great amazement of his mates. When asked what it meant, Sa, turned sulky; but Ben had much fun out of it, assuring the other boys that those were the signs and password of a secret society to which he and Sam belonged, and promised to tell them all about it if Sam would give him leave, which, of ...
— Under the Lilacs • Louisa May Alcott

... fearful that it is only for the sake of the reward.' Now their father heard these words and exclaimed, 'O Allah, an say they sooth take them to Thyself!' It was declared by one of the wise men, 'Verily, these were of the most virtuous of children.' Quoth Sa'id bin Jubayr,[FN343] 'I was once in company with Fuzalah bin 'Ubaydand said to him, 'Exhort thou me!, Replied he, 'Bear in mind these two necessaries, Shun syntheism[FN344] and harm not any of Allah's creatures.' And he ...
— The Book of the Thousand Nights and a Night, Volume 2 • Richard F. Burton

... think I hears him say to old Yallowchops an hour agone?" "What was it, mate?" I says. Says he, "'Do ye know, Sar Chawls, is the hoshun reely green at the line—green ye know, Sar Chawls, reely green?' 'No, sir,' says the old naboob, ''tis blue.' 'Whoy, ye don't sa—ay so!' says the young chap, pullin' a long face." "Why, Jim," another hand drops in, "that's the very chap as sings them first-rate sea-songs of a night! I seed him myself come out o' the mizen-chains!" "Hallo!" says another at this, "then there's some'at queer i' the wind!" I thought he gave ...
— The International Monthly Magazine, Volume 1, No. 1, August 1850 - of Literature, Science and Art. • Various

... bien merite du Roi et de la nation, emporta dans le tombeau les regrets des Officiers & des soldats, qui pleurerent amerement la perte de leur General. La Bretagne qui le regardoit comme son pere, le Roi, tout le Royaume enfin, furent extremement touchez de sa mort. Malgre la haine mutuelle des factions qui divisoient la France, il etoit si estime dans les deux partis, que s'il se fut agi de trouver un chevalier Francois sans reproche, tel que nos peres en ont autrefois eu, tout ...
— Voyages of Samuel de Champlain, Vol. 1 • Samuel de Champlain

... is handsome, and thinks so. He is uneasy de sa personne. He has not seen the world yet. Has he genius? Has he suffered? A lady, a little woman in a rumpled satin and velvet shoes—a Miss Pybus—came here, and said he has suffered. I, too, have suffered,—and you, Laura, has your ...
— The History of Pendennis • William Makepeace Thackeray

... maxim about firmness with children has suggested the above. "Ce que plie ne peut servir d'appui, et l'enfant veut etre appuye. Non-seulement il en a besoin, mais il le desire, mais sa tendresse la plus constante n'est qu'a ce prix. Si vous lui faites l'effet d'un autre enfant, si vous partagez ses passions, ses vacillations continuelles, si vous lui rendez tous ses mouvements en les augmentant, soit par la contrariete, soit par un exces de ...
— Friends in Council (First Series) • Sir Arthur Helps

... Miss Harriet trouve, assez souvent, que le "tub" est une institution tout-a-fait inconnue a ses hotes. Que fait-elle donc? Elle porte dans sa malle un tub de caoutchouc, "patent compressible india-rubber tub!" Inutile a dire que ses vetements se trouvent impregnes du "smell of india-rubber." Voici, Monsieur, la solution naturelle, et meme fort louable, d'une question qui est faite pour ...
— Old Friends - Essays in Epistolary Parody • Andrew Lang

... doux et favorable Nous benissant par sa bonte Et de son visage adorable Nous fasse ...
— In Chteau Land • Anne Hollingsworth Wharton

... of their order: "il les prioit d'etre receu parmy eux comme un de leurs freres, et d'avoir tous les jours distribution de pain et de vin, et pour marque de fraternite d'etre vetu du surplis et de l'aumusse: comme aussi d'etre associe, luy et sa tres genereuse et tres illustre epouse, aux suffrages de leur compagnie, et a la participation de tous les biens qu'il plaira a Dieu leur donner la grace d'operer," p. 204. A grand procession marked the day of the Duke's admission into ...
— A Bibliographical, Antiquarian and Picturesque Tour in France and Germany, Volume One • Thomas Frognall Dibdin

... published, in the Revue Encyclopedique, a study entitled "De l'atmosphere de la Femme et de sa Puissance," which attracted a great deal of attention in Germany as well as in France; he considered that the exhalations of the feminine body are of the first ...
— Studies in the Psychology of Sex, Volume 4 (of 6) • Havelock Ellis

... plaire, O Bhagavat, il a recu de toi ce don incomparable. 'Oui, as-tu dit, exaucant le voeu du mauvais Genie; Dieu. Yaksha ou Demon ne pourra jamais causer ta mort!' Et nous, par qui ta parole est respectee, nous avons tout supporte de ce roi des rakshasas, qui ecrase de sa tyrannie les trois mondes, ou il promene l' injure impunement. Enorgueilli de ce don victorieux, il opprime indignement les Dieux, les rishis, les Yakshas, les Gandharvas, les Asouras et les enfants de Manou. La ou se tient Ravana, la peur empeche le soleil d'echauffer, ...
— The Ramayana • VALMIKI

... advocate in Adams, who, having made an argument for the defence which would have done credit to a subtle-minded barrister, concluded by adopting the sentiment of Hume concerning the execution of Don Pantaleon de Sa by Oliver Cromwell,—if the laws of nations had been violated, "it was by a signal act of justice deserving universal approbation." Later still, on January 8, 1824, being the anniversary of the victory of New Orleans, as if to ...
— John Quincy Adams - American Statesmen Series • John. T. Morse

... me boy. An' thot's wort' more than gold, an' the likes av me 'n you wadden't know if we was to wade through it, but it's used in the war, I dunno, t' make gas-bags t' kill the inimy, and ye're t' say nawthin' t' nobody er they'll likely take an' hang ye fer a spy on the government, but ye're sa-afe, Mike, s' long as ye sthick t' me an' yer job an' say nawthin' t' nobody, ...
— The Lookout Man • B. M. Bower

... is this, that the slightest act of charity, even in the lowest class of persons, such as saving the life of an insect out of pity, that this act ... shall bring to the doer of it consequent benefit.—T'sa-ho-hom-king. ...
— The Essence of Buddhism • Various

... desirable que nos associations politiques se prononcent plus explicitement sur sa legitimite, si l'on ne veut pas que ce genre de propagande reste une duperie pour les candidats les plus scrupuleux." —Nos Partis Politiques au lendemain du 22 Mai ...
— Proportional Representation - A Study in Methods of Election • John H. Humphreys

... old armor held. One of them must have gnawed on my ankle some, between the greave and the heel-plate, but he couldn't quite get through. 'Sa darn small opening there, too—must have bent my foot 'way around to get in at all. Have to tighten that joint up a little, I guess. I'll bet I've got a black spot and blue spot there the size of my hand—maybe it's only the size ...
— Spacehounds of IPC • Edward Elmer Smith

... "The people murder one another, and princes embrace one another." Chi prattica co' grandi, l'ultimo a tavola, e'l primo a strapazzi: "Who dangles after the great is the last at table, and the first at blows." Chi non sa adulare, non sa regnare: "Who knows not to flatter, knows not to reign." Chi serve in corte muore sul' pagliato: "Who serves at court, dies on straw." Wary cunning in domestic life is perpetually impressed. An Italian proverb, which is immortalised ...
— Curiosities of Literature, Vol. 3 (of 3) • Isaac D'Israeli

... thing that they had committed to the custody of the Kathayan officers, when on their journey to the capital, was faithfully restored. After remaining seventy-five days in this place, they resumed their journey, and came soon afterwards to Nang-tschieu, or Nang-chew[11]. At this place, or rather at Sa-chew, they met with ambassadors from Ispahan and Shiras in Persia, on their way to Khambalik, who told them that they had met with ...
— A General History and Collection of Voyages and Travels, Vol. 1 • Robert Kerr

... "It wass sa day before yesterday," she answered in a whisper, while a pleased smile appeared on her face, "and sey will be here ...
— Lippincott's Magazine, Volume 11, No. 26, May, 1873 • Various

... en comte pour sa maitresse Charlotte des Essarts, 1560. Francois I. y rendit un edit celebre qui attribuait aux prelats la connaissance du crime d'heresie, et la ...
— The Poetical Works of William Wordsworth, Vol. III • William Wordsworth

... wadnae think, to hear ye, this was the first bairn that e'er was born! 'What'sa' the fraize aboot, ye gowks?" (to his daughters)—"a whingin get! that'll tak mail' oot o' fowk's pockets than e'er it'll pit into them! Mony a guid profitable beast's been brought into the warld and ne'er a word ...
— Marriage • Susan Edmonstone Ferrier

... "margin," "strand," or "shore." The reduplication of the first syllable, if tonic, signifies active future action. If not tonic and the suffix an be added, it denotes the place where the action of the verb is frequently executed. The preposition sa indicates place, time, reference. The atonic reduplication may also signify plurality, in which case the singular noun would be sagilid, i.e., "at the margin," or "the last"—that is, the slave. Timawa ...
— History of the Philippine Islands Vols 1 and 2 • Antonio de Morga

... exemple dans l'histoire d'une maison si longtems infortunee. Le premier des Rois d'Ecosse, qui eut le nom de Jacques, apres avoir ete dix-huit ans prisonnier en Angleterre, mourut assassine, avec sa femme, par la main de ses sujets. Jacques II, son fils, fut tue a vingt-neuf ans en combattant centre les Anglois. Jacques III, mis en prison par son peuple, fut tue ensuite par les revoltes, dans une ...
— The Journal of a Tour to the Hebrides with Samuel Johnson, LL.D. • James Boswell

... gone. The night maketh me sa—sad. But the stars are very white. They whisper that the day shall return. O stars; ...
— The Turtles of Tasman • Jack London

... twelve years earlier? Or might it not be taken to signify a Machiavellian system of government of which Napoleon III was suspected by Joly at this moment of being the exponent? We have already seen that this system is said by M. de Mazeres, in his book De Machiavel et de l'influence de sa doctrine sur les opinions, les moeurs et la politique de la France pendant la Revolution, published in 1816, to have been inaugurated by the French Revolution, and to have been carried on by Napoleon ...
— Secret Societies And Subversive Movements • Nesta H. Webster

... fulishlie rides, and be sharp spurres compelles his horse to take the water, and the man drownes, the horse sould not be escheit, for that comes be the mans fault or trespasse, and not of the horse, and the man has receaved his punishment, in sa farre as he is perished and dead; and the horse quha did na fault, ...
— The Common Law • Oliver Wendell Holmes, Jr.

... spoke of a singer he had known who sang so beautifully that no horse would pass him, but must turn its head and cock its ears to listen. Presently a score of men and boys and girls, with shawls over their beads, gathered under the trees to listen. Somebody sang Sa Muirnin Diles, and then somebody else Jimmy Mo Milestor, mournful songs of separation, of death, and of exile. Then some of the men stood up and began to dance, while another lilted the measure they danced to, and then somebody sang Eiblin a Ruin, that glad song of meeting which ...
— The Celtic Twilight • W. B. Yeats

... noated, that in divyding syllabes, the consonantes, one or moe, that may begin a syllab anie way in the middes of a word belong to the voual following, as in que-stion, qua-rel, fi-shar, sa-fron, ...
— Of the Orthographie and Congruitie of the Britan Tongue - A Treates, noe shorter than necessarie, for the Schooles • Alexander Hume

... conoscermi ni avvenire e che poi ne giudicherete come ch' egli vi piace. Il tempo non mi permette di scriver motto. La penna non vale un corno, ne pure quello che la dirigge. Il titolo dell' opera che ho da comporre a Milano, non si sa ancora. ...
— The Letters of Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart, V.1. • Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart

... is over at long, long last, and I am allowed to be alone with my thoughts. They sang 'Keerie fu Snaighty' after you left, and 'The King can only love his wife, And I can do the sa-a-me, And I can do the same.' But there is really nothing to tell you, for nothing happened of the slightest consequence. Good night! I am going to bed after I have posted this letter at the bridge. Two hours hence ...
— The Manxman - A Novel - 1895 • Hall Caine

... ses lits ou gemit le malheur, Victimes des secours plus que de la douleur, L'ignorance en courant fait sa ronde homicide, L'indifference ...
— A Journal of a Young Man of Massachusetts, 2nd ed. • Benjamin Waterhouse

... will be said in our text, reigned 570-526 B. C. His name, in the hieroglyphic signs, was Aahmes or young moon but the name by which he was commonly called was Sa-Nit "Son of Neith." His name, and pictures of him are to be found on stones in the fortress of Cairo, on a relief in Florence, a statue in the Vatican, on sarcophagi in Stockholm and London, a statue in the Villa Albani and on a little temple of red granite at ...
— Uarda • Georg Ebers

... Comte Lemaroix, Aide de Camp de sa Majeste l'Empereur et Roi, Commandant en Chef le Camp de Boulogne, etc, prie Monsieur Hoffeman, officier, de lui faire l'honneur de venir diner avec lui aujourd'hui, lundi, a ...
— A Sailor of King George • Frederick Hoffman

... envy of the courtieris in particularis, quha had persavit him to be ane great staye of thair commoditie, and sa be fals reportis and calumneis did go about to kendle and incense his Maties wrath against ...
— James VI and the Gowrie Mystery • Andrew Lang

... sa-ail!" came suddenly from forward. There was a scraping of boot-heels at the wheel. "What d'y'make of it?—all right, I see her!" In the shadow we saw the skipper pulling the wheel down. Ahead I imagined I saw a dark patch, ...
— The Seiners • James B. (James Brendan) Connolly

... ledit Norman se voua a Madame Sainte Katherine, qu'il luy pleust prier Dieu qu'il le voulsist delivrer de la prison ou il estoit; et incontinent qu'il pourroit estre dehors, il yroit mercier Madame Sainte Katherine en sa chapelle de Fierboys. Et incontinent son veu fait si s'en dormit, et au reveiller trouva en la tour avecques luy un Singe, qui lui apporta deux files, et un petit cousteau. Ainsi il trouva maniere de se deferrer, et adoncques s'en sortit ...
— A Monk of Fife • Andrew Lang

... Kleet-sa, is a high mountain rising from the waters of Taylor Arm, Sproat Lake, so named because of its ...
— Indian Legends of Vancouver Island • Alfred Carmichael

... iour coulant Du Saigneur va parlant Par longue experience. La nuict suivant la nuict, Nous presche et nous instruicst De sa grad sapience" ...
— Sabbath in Puritan New England • Alice Morse Earle

... O honte, un lansquenet Gauche, et parodiant Cesar dont il herite, Gouverne les esprits du fond de sa guerite!" ...
— The History of a Crime - The Testimony of an Eye-Witness • Victor Hugo

... Sand's action followed from the views of the Burschenschaft, or Clement's from Catholicism, even when we learn that Sand was regarded by his fellows as a saint, as was Charlotte Corday and Clement, or even when learned Jesuits like Sa, Mariana, and others, cum licentia et approbatione superiorum, in connection with Clement's outrage, discussed the question of regicide in a manner not unworthy of Nechayeff or Most."[13] It therefore ill becomes ...
— Violence and the Labor Movement • Robert Hunter

... of SA-GO-YE-WAT-HA, or, as he has more commonly been called, Red Jacket. Having risen, by the force of his eloquence, from an obscure station to the highest rank among his people, he became conspicuous in all of those great transactions, in which they gradually ...
— An account of Sa-Go-Ye-Wat-Ha - Red Jacket and his people, 1750-1830 • John Niles Hubbard

... ces paroles, annonce l'intention d'introduire quelques changements dans la redaction de sa proposition, et demande l'ajournement de la ...
— Notes on the Diplomatic History of the Jewish Question • Lucien Wolf

... ce jardin tout se rencontree Excepte l'ombrage et les fleurs; Si l'on y deregle ses moeurs Du moins on y regle sa montre." ...
— Royal Palaces and Parks of France • Milburg Francisco Mansfield

... , lesquels completent les vingt-huit lettres prises comme valeurs nume'riques ("Voyez l'Expose des signes de numeration chez les Orientaux," par M. Pihan, p. 199 et suiv.). To this I may add that the French translators have sadly corrupted the words which should be Abjad, Hawwaz, Hutti, Kalaman, Sa'fas, and Karashat; whilst Sakhiz and Zuzigh are not found in ...
— The Land of Midian, Vol. 1 • Richard Burton

... De only s'picious man I see was mab own cousin sneakin' around mah chicken coop de odder night. I tooks mah ole shot gun, an' sa'ntered out dat way. Den in a little while dere wasn't no s'picious man ...
— Tom Swift and his Giant Cannon - or, The Longest Shots on Record • Victor Appleton

... worthiness," said he, after a while, "the eternally living Ramses-sa-Ptah, honored me with his friendship; I know also his holiness, thy father may he live through eternity! and I will even try to lay before him my ...
— The Pharaoh and the Priest - An Historical Novel of Ancient Egypt • Boleslaw Prus

... Mussaenda, C. Morren held the view that the petal-like sepal was really a bract adherent to the calyx, and incorporating with itself one of the calycine lobes—"soudee au calice et ayant devoree, en englobant dans sa propre masse, un lobe calicinal." The Belgian savant considers this somewhat improbable explanation as supported by a case wherein there were five calyx lobes of uniform size, and a detached feather-veined leaf proceeding from the side of the ovary lower down ('Bull. Acad. Belg.,' ...
— Vegetable Teratology - An Account of the Principal Deviations from the Usual Construction of Plants • Maxwell T. Masters

... I'm going to dike you out in one as big as a pebble. And poils! Sa-y, they're what cost the spondulicks. A guy showed me a string of little ones no bigger than pimples. Know what? That little string could knock the three spots out of a ...
— The Vertical City • Fannie Hurst

... jaunes avec la peau de ces memes cannes. Le cadavre du Chef est expose au milieu de cette table droit sur ses pieds, soutenu par derriere par une longue perche peinte en rouge dont le bout passe au dessus de sa tete, et a laquelle il est attache par le milieu du corps avec une liane. D'une main il tient un casse-tete ou une petite hache, de l'autre un pipe; et au-dessus de sa tete, est attache au bout de la perche qui le soutient, le Calumet le plus fameux de tous ceux ...
— A Further Contribution to the Study of the Mortuary Customs of the North American Indians • H.C. Yarrow

... flounce of triumph, her eyes twinkling beneath the shining spectacles set upon her brow among the limp ruffles of her thrust-back sunbonnet, a laugh of satisfaction widening her wrinkled face. "Thar now!" she chuckled, "Nar'sa jes' set it down she wouldn't testify, an' crossed her heart an' hoped she'd fall dead fust. But, Ben, we beat her that ...
— The Mystery of Witch-Face Mountain and Other Stories • Charles Egbert Craddock

... Portugals to whom Dorothy refers as being hanged were the Portuguese ambassador's brother, Don Pantaleon Sa, and four of his men. The Mercurius Politicus of November 1653 gives the following account of the matters that led to the execution; and as it is illustrative of the manners of the day, the account is here ...
— The Love Letters of Dorothy Osborne to Sir William Temple, 1652-54 • Edward Abbott Parry

... dans sa logique in liking the Germans and hating Bismarck; for the Germans, in having their own way, would break up into as many fragments as the best Frenchman could desire, and Bismarck is the real suppressor of France. Throughout the Franco-Prussian war he sided ...
— Biographical Study of A. W. Kinglake • Rev. W. Tuckwell

... ont ete leves par vous-meme dans l'instant que vous en avez faites la proposition. Mais, malheureusement, la lettre qui devait apporter la confirmation du Prelat, n'a apportee que la triste nouvelle de sa mort. Vous sentez bien, que des ce moment il ne sauroit plus etre question de rien. Je ne doute pas, que quoique aucun livre ancien ne soit jusqu'a ce moment sorti de la Bibliotheque du Couvent, le Prelat n'eut fait une exception honorable ...
— A Bibliographical, Antiquarian and Picturesque Tour in France and Germany, Volume Three • Thomas Frognall Dibdin

... other writers on Expression. For instance, Dr. Duchenne, after speaking of the movements of the limbs, refers to those which give expression to the face, and remarks:[16] "Le createur n'a donc pas eu a se preoccuper ici des besoins de la mecanique; il a pu, selon sa sagesse, ou—que l'on me pardonne cette maniere de parler—par une divine fantaisie, mettre en action tel ou tel muscle, un seul ou plusieurs muscles a la fois, lorsqu'il a voulu que les signes caracteristiques des passions, meme les plus fugaces, lussent ecrits passagerement ...
— The Expression of Emotion in Man and Animals • Charles Darwin

... Lutange, J.F.D. d', 'l'Heroine d'Orleans, 15^e siecle, avec une carte de tous les lieux cites dans cet ouvrage et un plan de la ville d'Orleans a l'epoque de sa delivrance par Jeanne d'Arc.' 3 ...
— Joan of Arc • Ronald Sutherland Gower

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