... forenoon, a.m., prime, dawn, daybreak; dayspring^, foreday^, sunup; peep of day, break of day; aurora; first blush of the morning, first flush of the morning, prime of the morning; twilight, crepuscule, sunrise; cockcrow, cockcrowing^; the small hours, the wee hours of the morning. spring; vernal equinox, first point of Aries. noon; midday, noonday; noontide, meridian, prime; nooning, noontime. summer, midsummer. Adj. matin, matutinal^; vernal. Adv. at sunrise &c n.; with the sun, with the lark, when the morning dawns. Phr. at shut of evening flowers [Paradise Lost]; entre chien et loup [Fr.]; ... — Roget's Thesaurus of English Words and Phrases: Body • Roget