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Warning   /wˈɔrnɪŋ/   Listen

A message informing of danger.
Cautionary advice about something imminent (especially imminent danger or other unpleasantness).  Synonyms: admonition, monition, word of advice.  "The warning was to beware of surprises" , "His final word of advice was not to play with matches"
Notification of something, usually in advance.  "She had only had four days' warning before leaving Berlin"
Serving to warn.  Synonyms: admonitory, cautionary, exemplary, monitory.  "An exemplary jail sentence"


Notify of danger, potential harm, or risk.  "The doctor warned me about the dangers of smoking"
Admonish or counsel in terms of someone's behavior.  Synonyms: admonish, discourage, monish.  "I warn you against false assumptions" , "She warned him to be quiet"
Ask to go away.
Notify, usually in advance.

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"Warning" Quotes from Famous Books

... forgotten by any one who has sailed on the rivers north of 20 Deg. south. If we step on shore, the 'Charadrius caruncula', a species of plover, a most plaguy sort of "public-spirited individual", follows you, flying overhead, and is most persevering in its attempts to give fair warning to all the animals within hearing to flee from the approaching danger. The alarm-note, "tinc-tinc-tinc", of another variety of the same family ('Pluvianus armatus' of Burchell) has so much of a metallic ring, that this bird is called "setula-tsipi", or hammering-iron. ...
— Missionary Travels and Researches in South Africa - Journeys and Researches in South Africa • David Livingstone

... the warning, for the sky was bright and blue, broken only by a few gauzy white clouds which streaked it here and there. They rowed out about a mile, and then laying in their oars, lowered their grapnel and began to fish. The ...
— By Sheer Pluck - A Tale of the Ashanti War • G. A. Henty

... of wonder that he hardly realized the truths of his present situation. The man-of-war, in which everything was His Majesty's, sustained this feeling, and it was too sudden a change to expect such a man to abandon all his most cherished notions at a moment's warning. The irreverent exclamation of Captain Truck shocked him, and he did not fail to show as much by the disgust pictured in ...
— Homeward Bound - or, The Chase • James Fenimore Cooper

... whom Conon entrusted the command of his fleet when he went to the court of the King of Persia.—In this passage the poet is warning his fellow-citizens not to alienate the goodwill of the allies by their disdain, but to know how to honour those among them who had distinguished ...
— The Eleven Comedies - Vol. I • Aristophanes et al

... to find out and bear in mind the experience of other people, we can make use of it, as a warning and a guide, in much the same way as if it had happened to ourselves. If I have seen a boy try to run across the road in front of an automobile and stumble and get killed, it is not necessary for me to get killed in order to appreciate ...
— Heart and Soul • Victor Mapes (AKA Maveric Post)

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