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  English Dictionary   examples: 'day', 'get rid of', 'New York Bay'

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chiggerflower - chilomycterus
chilopoda - chinese brown sauce
chinese cabbage - chipping sparrow
chips - chloral hydrate
chlorambucil - chocolate liquor
chocolate milk - choosey
choosy - chou dynasty
chou en lai - chromaesthesia
chromate - chrysanthemum segetum
chrysaora - church building
church calendar - cicatrix
cicatrize - cinclus aquaticus
cinclus mexicanus - circular knit
circular measure - cissy
cistaceae - city man
city manager - cl
clabber - clank
clanking - class chlorophyceae
class chondrichthyes - class tentaculata
class thaliacea - claw hatchet
claw shaped - clearstory
clearway - clews
cli - clinical psychology
clinical test - clock up
clock watcher - closed door
closed end fund - cloture
cloture - clubroom
clubroot fungus - co author
co beneficiary - coarctation
coarse - cobwebby
coca - cockroach
cockscomb - codling moth
codlins and cream - coffee table
coffee table book - coiffeuse
coiffure - cold weather
cold work - collectible
collecting - colobus guereza
colobus monkey - colored
colored - columbian
columbian mammoth - combtooth blenny
comburant - comfrey
comfy - commercial credit
commercial credit company - common barley
common basil - common lettuce
common lilac - common unicorn plant
common valerian - communist manifesto
communist party - compass saw
compassion - complexifier
complexify - compressed air
compressed gas - computer virus
computerise - conceptional
conceptive - concurrent execution
concurrent negligence - condyle
condylion - confined
confinement - congenital
congenital abnormality - conilurus
conima - connors
connotation - conservativism
conservativist - constantinople
constantly - consummate
consummate - contextually
contiguity - contract under seal
contractable - controller
controllership - convert
convert - cookout
cookstove - copepod crustacean
copepoda - copyright infringement
copyrighted - cordially
cordierite - corn campion
corn chamomile - cornsilk
cornsmut - corpus geniculatum laterale
corpus geniculatum mediale - corruptly
corruptness - coryphaena equisetis
coryphaena hippurus - cost of living index
cost overrun - cotton mill
cotton mouse - count alessandro volta
count down - counterplot
counterpoint - coup de main
coup de theatre - cover
cover charge - cowman
cownose ray - crack up
crack up - craniometry
craniotomy - crawl
crawl in - credence
credendum - cremona
crenate - crex
crex crex - crispen
crisphead lettuce - crocuta
crocuta crocuta - cross link