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Bilk   Listen
Bilk  n.  
A thwarting an adversary in cribbage by spoiling his score; a balk.
A cheat; a trick; a hoax.
Nonsense; vain words.
A person who tricks a creditor; an untrustworthy, tricky person.

Collaborative International Dictionary of English 0.48

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"Bilk" Quotes from Famous Books

... meeting the after-the-war obligations. This second way is by increasing the wealth of the state and by increasing the national production to such an extent that the payment of the rentier class will not be an overwhelming burthen. Rising prices bilk the creditor. Increased production will check the rise in prices and get him a real payment. The outlook for the national creditor seems to be that he will be partly bilked and partly paid; how far he will ...
— War and the Future • H. G. Wells

Words linked to "Bilk" :   cross, spoil, chisel, dash, frustrate, rip off, break loose, short-circuit, forestall, get away, baffle, queer, foil, preclude, ruin, prevent, let down, disappoint, deprive, escape, foreclose, elude, scotch, cheat, evade, thwart

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