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Bonito   Listen
Bonito  n.  (pl. bonitoes)  (Often incorrectly written bonita)  (Zool.)
A large tropical fish (Orcynus pelamys) allied to the tunny. It is about three feet long, blue above, with four brown stripes on the sides. It is sometimes found on the American coast.
Any of a variety of scombroid fishes of the genera Sarda or Euthynnus, with a size intermediate between those of the smaller mackerels and the tunas. It is applied especially to the skipjack tuna (Euthynnus pelamis, syn. Katsuwonus pelamis, formerly Sarda Mediterranea, also called skipjack) of the Atlantic, an important and abundant food fish on the coast of the United States, and (Sarda Chilensis) of the Pacific, and other related species. These are large and active fishes, of a blue color above and silver below, with black oblique stripes.
The medregal (Seriola fasciata), an edible fish of the southern part of the United States and the West Indies.
The cobia or crab eater (Elacate canada), an edible fish of the Middle and Southern United States.

Collaborative International Dictionary of English 0.48

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"Bonito" Quotes from Famous Books

... there's the bonito, as big as a pig, though its name jokingly means 'good little one'; the sail fish which lifts its fin into the wind; and ...
— Fil and Filippa - Story of Child Life in the Philippines • John Stuart Thomson

... Crappie Calico Bass Rock Bass Sunfish Small-mouth Black Bass Large-mouth Black Bass Wall-eyed Pike Weakfish Red Drum Kingfish Tautog Rosefish Tomcod Haddock Ling Cusk Summer Flounder Flatfish Muscallonge Northern Muscallonge Striped Mullet Common Mackerel Bonito Sauger Yellow Perch White Bass Striped Bass White Perch Sea Bass Scup Spotted Weakfish Croaker Bergall Spadefish Whiting Cod Burbot Hake Halibut Sand Dab ...
— New York at the Louisiana Purchase Exposition, St. Louis 1904 - Report of the New York State Commission • DeLancey M. Ellis

Words linked to "Bonito" :   Katsuwonus, oceanic bonito, genus Katsuwonus, tunny, Sarda sarda, tuna fish, Sarda chiliensis, bonito shark, tuna, Atlantic bonito, Chile bonito

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