"Catalog" Quotes from Famous Books
... names of writers with the titles of their books less well remembered by children who learn them through the game of "Authors" than they are by children who might be required to memorize them from a catalog? Are the sums and products of numbers acquired in keeping scores of games less accurate and less permanent in the mind of the child than the same sums and products learned as school exercises? Is the skill acquired ... — Your Child: Today and Tomorrow • Sidonie Matzner Gruenberg
... Marshall, giving account of his experiences, that he had been working for life, and he had ranged all his sins under the ten commandments, and then, coming to a minister, asked him the reason why he could not get peace. The minister looked to his catalog. "Away," says he, "I do not find one word of the sin of unbelief in all your catalog." It is the peculiar work of the Spirit of God to convince us of our unbelief—that we have got no faith. Says Jesus Christ, "I will send the comforter; and when he is come, he will reprove ... — The world's great sermons, Volume 3 - Massillon to Mason • Grenville Kleiser
... of poultry fancier who is more commercial in his methods, but whose work lacks the personal enthusiasm and artistic touch of the regular fancier. I refer to the band wagon style of breeder who gets out a general catalog in which are pictured acres of poultry yards with fences as straight as the draughtsman's rule can make them. Such men do a big business. They may carry a part or all of the breeding stock on a central poultry plant and farm out the eggs, contracting to buy back the stock in the ... — The Dollar Hen • Milo M. Hastings |
Words linked to "Catalog" : course catalogue, separate, compile, listing, course catalog, discography, catalog buying, sort out, class, parts catalog, compose, catalogue, library catalog, assort, card catalog, library catalogue, list, seed catalog, parts catalogue, book, classify, seed catalogue |
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