"Chivy" Quotes from Famous Books
... like smoke from a house chimney-pot; another veer carries it away again,—depend upon it the simplest thing cooked there is nice. Shingle rattles as it is shovelled up for ballast—the sound of labour makes me more comfortably lazy. They are not in a hurry, nor "chivy" over their work either; the tides rise and fall slowly, and they work in correspondence. No infernal fidget and fuss. Wonder how long it would take me to pitch a pebble so as to lodge on the top of that large brown pebble there? I try, ... — The Open Air • Richard Jefferies
... he is to me. Why, it was only yesterday, I think—though the time goes so rum here, where one sleeps so much—he come to see me, and one of the Malay chaps as was taking him to the water tried to drive him away, and, my word, you should have seen him chivy the chap off and call him a hinterfering blackguard, in helephant! He's my friend, sure enough, sir; and it will take a bit of time to settle matters, but I think I can make him understand ... — Trapped by Malays - A Tale of Bayonet and Kris • George Manville Fenn |
Words linked to "Chivy" : rile, annoy, plague, nark, hassle, harass, frustrate, beset, devil, haze, chivvy, get to, get at, dun, vex, goad, chafe, crucify, chevvy, gravel, provoke, nettle, bother, chevy, irritate, needle, harry, torment |
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