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Cogitate   Listen
Cogitate  v. i.  (past & past part. cogitated; pres. part. cogitating)  To engage in continuous thought; to think. "He that calleth a thing into his mind, whether by impression or recordation, cogitateth and considereth, and he that employeth the faculty of his fancy also cogitateth."

Collaborative International Dictionary of English 0.48

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"Cogitate" Quotes from Famous Books

... a new idea for Alvina to cogitate. She had counted on a speedy escape. She put his ring in her apron pocket, and there she forgot it until he pounced on her in the afternoon, in the house of one of her patients. He waited for her, to ...
— The Lost Girl • D. H. Lawrence

... notion that spirits and angels are airy entities, and with those who have been enjoined to believe in everlasting life that the souls of men also are. They therefore do not see, hear or speak, but are blind, deaf and dumb, and only cogitate in their particle of air. The sense-ridden ask, "How can the soul be anything else? The external senses died with the body, did they not? They cannot be resumed before the soul is reunited with the body." Inasmuch as they ...
— Angelic Wisdom about Divine Providence • Emanuel Swedenborg

Words linked to "Cogitate" :   cerebrate, focus, think about, philosophize, think over, reason out, concentrate, rationalize, excogitate, rivet, connect, colligate, ponder, study, contemplate, puzzle over, link up, center, pore, meditate, give, relate, tie in, associate, brainstorm, reflect, mull, plan, philosophise, muse, chew over, cogitative, speculate, pay, devote, think, pass judgment, centre, mull over

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