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Countermand   Listen
Countermand  v. t.  (past & past part. countermanded; pres. part. countermanding)  
To revoke (a former command); to cancel or rescind by giving an order contrary to one previously given; as, to countermand an order for goods.
To prohibit; to forbid. (Obs.) "Avicen countermands letting blood in choleric bodies."
To oppose; to revoke the command of. "For us to alter anything, is to lift ourselves against God; and, as it were, to countermand him."

Collaborative International Dictionary of English 0.48

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"Countermand" Quotes from Famous Books

... that preceded and accompanied this sigh induced Frank Morton to countermand his orders for the intended journey. In order to console Edith for the disappointment, he went with her into the hall, and, drawing a low stool towards the blazing stove, placed a draught-board upon it. Then he placed another and a lower stool beside the ...
— Ungava • R.M. Ballantyne

... "houses of entertainment called ordinaries into which a stranger went, he was presently followed by one appointed to that office who would thrust himself into his company uninvited, and if he called for more drink than the officer thought in his judgment he could soberly bear away, he would presently countermand it, and appoint the proportion beyond which he could not get one drop." The tithingman had a "spetial eye-out" on all bachelors, who were also carefully spied upon by the constables, deacons, elders, and heads of families in general. He might, perhaps, help to collect the ministerial rate, though ...
— Sabbath in Puritan New England • Alice Morse Earle

... their way to avoid him, and as Anton never did this, he was not unfrequently their scapegoat. Every day the baron had to hear, in return for his cross-questioning, "Mr. Wohlfart ordered this," or "Mr. Wohlfart forbade that." He eagerly found out what orders were given by Anton, that he might countermand, and all the bitterness and disappointment accumulated in the spirit of the unfortunate nobleman were concentrated in an ...
— Debit and Credit - Translated from the German of Gustav Freytag • Gustav Freytag

... from the fellow's cap, and beat it about his ears. He swore he would pursue him to the gates of hell, and ordered a post-chaise and four to be got ready as soon as possible; but, recollecting that his finances would not admit of this way of travelling, he was obliged to countermand this order. ...
— The Expedition of Humphry Clinker • Tobias Smollett

... take the intended ride through the city," exclaimed the king, anxiously. "Make haste, baron, countermand the ...

... dinner was preparing, he thought he would go back and win a little more. His good fortune, however, had deserted him, and he lost not only all his winnings, but every florin he was possessed of, so he was compelled to countermand the dinner. On the arrival of his remittances, determined not to be balked of his repast this time by want of funds, he paid for a spread for twelve beforehand; but his luck was very bad, and he ...
— The International Monthly, Volume 5, No. 3, March, 1852 • Various

... laugh, as if he were confessing a failing, was the custom of the house. But, he added, I should find a fire in my sitting-room, so that if I wanted to read or write, I should be comfortable in my retirement. On hearing that, I begged him to countermand any such luxuries on my account in future; it was my invariable habit, I assured him, to retire to bed at ten o'clock, wherever I was—reading or writing at night, I said, were practices which I rigidly ...
— Ravensdene Court • J. S. (Joseph Smith) Fletcher

Words linked to "Countermand" :   repeal, renege on, dictation, revoke, bidding, rescind, reverse, renege, strike down, bid, vacate, command

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