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Disconnect   Listen
Disconnect  v. t.  (past & past part. disconnected; pres. part. disconnecting)  To dissolve the union or connection of; to disunite; to sever; to separate; to disperse. "The commonwealth itself would... be disconnected into the dust and powder of individuality." "This restriction disconnects bank paper and the precious metals."

Collaborative International Dictionary of English 0.48

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"Disconnect" Quotes from Famous Books

... as I could disconnect my tackle from the dead fish, I turned my face homewards, and struck out manfully for the shore; luckily I did not observe any sharks. I landed safely without further adventure, and immediately sought my kind friend and companion, whom I found, as usual, industriously employed ...
— The Little Savage • Captain Marryat

... Francina to like her, to delight in her, yet also that to know her they would first have to make her acquaintance. This was the delicate point, for social commerce with such malheureux as Mr. Dosson and Delia was not in the least in their usual line and it was impossible to disconnect the poor girl from her appendages. Therefore the whole question must be approached by an oblique movement—it would never do to march straight up. The wedge should have a narrow end, which Gaston now made sure ...
— The Reverberator • Henry James

Words linked to "Disconnect" :   disparity, part, decouple, connect, uncouple, plug in, gulf, unplug, disunite

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