"Evaluation" Quotes from Famous Books
... them. It is chiefly, however, prejudice of all sorts in testing and judging truth that he is anxious to avoid, rather than any feeling of unalloyed interest in it. A certain warmth of feeling is necessary for its comprehension as well as its evaluation. The biologist, for instance, must be in close sympathy with birds in order to understand them, just as a mother must be in close sympathy with her child in ... — How To Study and Teaching How To Study • F. M. McMurry
... as the standard of time the duration of another natural phenomenon, which appears to be always reproduced under identical conditions; the duration, for instance, of a given luminous vibration. But the experimental difficulties of evaluation with such a unit of the times which ordinarily have to be considered, would be so great that such a reform in practice cannot be hoped for. It should, moreover, be remarked that the duration of a ... — The New Physics and Its Evolution • Lucien Poincare
... the plays themselves? Is there any fixed and universal estimate of their quality and significance as literature? In this volume we have been concerned in reviewing our knowledge about them rather than in their interpretation or evaluation. We have noted the sources from which their plots were drawn, the conditions under which they were produced in the playhouses, the influences at work in the contemporary drama which determined in some measure ... — The Facts About Shakespeare • William Allan Nielson
... connaissances actuelles, entre les 36 deg. et 37 deg. 130 degres d'etendue en longitude; il y a par consequent des cotes de la Chine au Cap Sacre a travers l'ocean de l'est a l'ouest 230 degres. L'accord que je nommerai accidentel de cette vraie distance et de l'evaluation d'Eratosthene atteint done dix degres en longitude. Posidonius 'soupconne (c'est l'expression de Strabon, lib. ii., p. 102, Cas.), que la longueur de la terre habitee laquelle est, selon lui, d'environ ... — The Conquest of Canada (Vol. 1 of 2) • George Warburton
... remarkable provisions for staving off the time when the dead line is reached. They have taken stock account of the labor power they require, the amount of energy which each worker possesses, for the purpose of evaluation and payment. They have undertaken to cover as separate items each condition which affects a worker's relation to his job. They rate as separate items the worker's proficiency, reliability, continuity in service, indirect ... — Creative Impulse in Industry - A Proposition for Educators • Helen Marot
... by a few short centuries of intelligence and reason, what might not happen in a few more centuries of constantly increasing light? In short, the principle of evolution supplied the perspective that was necessary to an adequate evaluation of ... — Craftsmanship in Teaching • William Chandler Bagley
... never mind how much sense they made in themselves. None of them did. But after the first month or two he had so much going that there was no question any more of not having something to do. Two hours allotted to work out on the typewriter a critical evaluation of a chapter from one of McAllen's abstruse technical texts. If Barney's mood was sufficiently sour, the evaluation would be unprintable; but it wasn't being printed, and two hours had been disposed of. A day and a half—Earth Standard Time—to construct an operating dam across ... — Gone Fishing • James H. Schmitz
... completed for the opening of new medical exhibits and adopting, with some modifications and additions, earlier classifications set by Dr. Flint. Dr. Whitebread grouped these into the following classes: the evaluation of the healing arts; a picture display of medical men prominent in American history;[11] a materia medica display including the history of pharmacy; and an exhibition on Sanitation and Public Hygiene[12] which was later to evolve into ... — History of the Division of Medical Sciences • Sami Khalaf Hamarneh
... attitude of the Lutherans towards their symbols, and such their evaluation of pure doctrine, it was self-evident that the public teachers of their churches should be pledged to the confessions. In December 1529, H. Winckel, of Goettingen, drew up a form in which the candidate for ordination declares: "I believe and hold also of the most sacred ... — Historical Introductions to the Symbolical Books of the Evangelical Lutheran Church • Friedrich Bente |