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Firkin   Listen
Firkin  n.  
A varying measure of capacity, usually being the fourth part of a barrel; specifically, a measure equal to nine imperial gallons. (Eng.)
A small wooden vessel or cask of indeterminate size, used for butter, lard, etc. (U.S.)

Collaborative International Dictionary of English 0.48

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"Firkin" Quotes from Famous Books

... choicer way is to form it into acorns or strawberries,—though I don't in the least know how it is done,—placing them all together on a plate and serving one to each at the table. This dainty way, however, would hardly make a bad article good, and no one would crave a berry of ancient firkin butter. For, as trivial a matter as it seems, this single condiment of food, one has only to encounter it in a strong, cheesy state to feel it among the most important things in the cuisine. Then one suddenly discovers that butter is in everything. Eating ...
— The Atlantic Monthly, Volume 16, No. 97, November, 1865 • Various

... firkin came in last week," responded Sister Ada. "You forget, Sister Gaillarde, the rule forbids us to ask more than ...
— In Convent Walls - The Story of the Despensers • Emily Sarah Holt

... a tightly built wooden box, such as that shown in Figure 39, is satisfactory. The walls should be thick and of some non-conducting material. An old trunk, a small barrel, or a large butter or lard firkin or tin will serve the purpose. Another possibility is a galvanized iron bucket with a closely fitting cover (this has the advantage of being fire-proof). A shoe box 15 by 15 by 28 inches is convenient in size, since it may be divided into ...
— Ontario Teachers' Manuals: Household Science in Rural Schools • Ministry of Education Ontario

Words linked to "Firkin" :   keg, gallon, kilderkin, British capacity unit

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