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Goitre   Listen
Goitre, Goiter  n.  (Med.) An enlargement of the thyroid gland, on the anterior part of the neck, usually resulting from iodine deficiency; bronchocele. It is frequently associated with cretinism, and was at one time common in mountainous regions, especially in certain parts of Switzerland. The incidence of goiter has been substantially reduced by addition of iodine to ceratin foods, such as salt.
Synonyms: struma.

Collaborative International Dictionary of English 0.48

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"Goitre" Quotes from Famous Books

... the grave of the last man buried in a church-yard has been used as a lotion for goitre, and a correspondent of Notes and Queries for May 24, 1851, furnishes two remedies then in use at Withyam, Sussex. "A common snake, held by its head and tail, is slowly drawn by someone standing by nine times across the front part of the neck of the person affected, ...
— Three Thousand Years of Mental Healing • George Barton Cutten

... life he had led. Besides the long fleshy bags under his little, always insolent, suspicious, and ironical eyes; besides the multitude of deep wrinkles in his little fat face, the Adam's apple hung below his sharp chin like a great, fleshy goiter, which gave him a peculiar, repulsive, sensual appearance; add to that a long rapacious mouth with full lips, between which could be seen little stumps of black decayed teeth. He slobbered every time ...
— The Brothers Karamazov • Fyodor Dostoyevsky

Words linked to "Goitre" :   disease, struma, thyromegaly, goiter

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