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Gritty   Listen
Gritty  adj.  
Containing sand or grit; consisting of grit; caused by grit; full of hard particles.
Spirited; resolute; unyielding. (Colloq., U. S.)

Collaborative International Dictionary of English 0.48

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"Gritty" Quotes from Famous Books

... somehow, to understand. For years his mother had trailed after him, putting away things that he wanted left out, tidying that which he preferred left in seeming disorder. Lil seemed miraculously to understand about those things. He liked, for example, a certain grimy, gritty old rag with which he was wont to polish his golf clubs. It was caked with dirt, and most disreputable, but it was of just the right material, or weight, or size, or something, and he had for it the unreasoning affection that a child has for a tattered rag doll ...
— Half Portions • Edna Ferber

... time at this lonely task which had been assigned to her. There were some flowers in broken jars upon a cross-beam, and these, with a touch of tenderness, she carried over and arranged upon a deal packing-case beside the patient's head. He lay motionless, and as he breathed there came a gritty rubbing sound from somewhere in his side, but he followed his companion about with his eyes and even smiled once as she grouped the ...
— The Last Galley Impressions and Tales - Impressions and Tales • Arthur Conan Doyle

... handsome vessels cannot be determined. It can hardly have been of a domestic nature, as they show no evidences of discoloration or wear, and we are left to speculate upon the possibility of a purely ceremonial use. The paste is moderately fine, but contains an extremely large share of gritty sand; the slip is thin and has received but a slight degree of polish, so that the surface has a dead, somewhat granular effect. As a rule the vases are of small size and are very thin walled. The forms are ...
— Ancient art of the province of Chiriqui, Colombia • William Henry Holmes

... ashes'! Very little imagination will realise the force of that picture. The gritty cinders will irritate the lips and tongue, will dry up the moisture of the mouth, will interfere with the breathing, and there will be no nourishment in a ...
— Expositions of Holy Scripture - Isaiah and Jeremiah • Alexander Maclaren

... went out of the dust into the flies. The mess was buzzing with them; and they were accompanied in their attacks upon our persons by bees, who hummed about like air-ships among aeroplanes. I dropped upon the table a speck of Sir Joseph Paxton's excellent jam, now peppered and gritty with dust, and in a few seconds it was hidden by a scrimmage of black flies, fighting over it and over one another. Other flies fell into my tea, and did the breast-stroke for the side of the mug. I pushed the mug along ...
— Tell England - A Study in a Generation • Ernest Raymond

... as that goes I know she's a gritty little person," Jack instantly remarked. "Many times she said to me she wished she were a boy so that she might also learn to fly and fight for France against the detested Kaiser. Why, she even told me she had gone up with ...
— Air Service Boys Over The Enemy's Lines - The German Spy's Secret • Charles Amory Beach

Words linked to "Gritty" :   courageous, coarse-grained, mealy, harsh, farinaceous, grit, mettlesome, gamey, spunky, grainy, granulose, brave, gamy, granular, nitty-gritty, coarse

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