guppy n. A small freshwater fish of South America and West Indies (Lebistes reticulatus or Poecilia reticulata, originaly called Gerardinus guppyi), often kept in aquariums; also called rainbow fish.
... making like a guppy with my head, sounding out the boundary of that deadness, ducking down as soon as the mental murk gave me a faint perception of the wall and ceiling above me. Then I'd move aside and sound it again. Eventually ... — Highways in Hiding • George Oliver Smith Read full book for free!
... with a mysterious crime to crown it. Dickens manages it far more artfully than Balzac, because his imagination is not, like Balzac's, divided against itself. The world which he peopled with Skimpole and Guppy and the Bayham Badgers was a world that could easily include Lady Dedlock, for though she is perhaps of the theatre, they are certainly not of the common earth. They and she alike are at the same angle to literal fact, they diverging one way, she another; they accordingly ... — The Craft of Fiction • Percy Lubbock Read full book for free!
... I shall seriously discuss whether an old woman with a divining-rod can detect hidden treasures; whether Mr. Home floated in the air or Mrs. Guppy sailed from house to house; whether cripples are cured at Lourdes or all manner of diseases at Winifred's Well? Must I patiently reason with a man who tells me that he saw water turned into wine, or a few loaves and fishes turned ... — Flowers of Freethought - (First Series) • George W. Foote Read full book for free!