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Hebdomadary   Listen
Hebdomadary, Hebdomadal  adj.  Consisting of seven days, or occurring at intervals of seven days; weekly.

Collaborative International Dictionary of English 0.48

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"Hebdomadary" Quotes from Famous Books

... carefully eliminated. From another village an account of some event comes from the schoolmaster—quite an important person nowadays!—who writes in a fair, round hand and uses the finest language and the longest words. He invariably puts 'hebdomadal' for 'weekly.' A lawyer's clerk writes a narrative of some case, on blue foolscap, and, after the manner of legal documents, without a single ...
— Hodge and His Masters • Richard Jefferies

... behoved him also to conduct himself towards the intruder as an old archdeacon should conduct himself to an incoming bishop; and though he was well aware of all Dr. Proudie's abominable opinions as regarded dissenters, church reform, the hebdomadal council, and such like; though he disliked the man, and hated the doctrines, still he was prepared to show respect to the station of the bishop. So he and Mr. Harding called together at ...
— Barchester Towers • Anthony Trollope

... younger friends who had come into University importance since 1841 and felt kindly towards me, adopted a course more consistent with their principles, and proceeded to shield from the zeal of the Hebdomadal Board, not me, but, professedly, all parties through the country,—Tractarians, Evangelicals, Liberals in general,—who had to subscribe to the Anglican formularies, on the ground that those formularies, rigidly taken, were, on ...
— Apologia Pro Vita Sua • John Henry Cardinal Newman

Words linked to "Hebdomadary" :   periodic, weekly, hebdomad, periodical

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