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Incandescence   Listen
Incandescence  n.  A white heat, or the glowing or luminous whiteness of a body caused by intense heat.

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"Incandescence" Quotes from Famous Books

... resembled an enormous pall of distant smoke, in the midst of which the orb appeared like a dimly-seen, red-hot iron disk, as it sank toward the western horizon. The darkening sky overhead and away to the eastward glowed with a dull incandescence, like the reflected glare of an enormous furnace; while the short, choppy waves of the forenoon had given place to a long, oily, sluggish swell, without a single ripple to disturb its surface, through which ...
— A Chinese Command - A Story of Adventure in Eastern Seas • Harry Collingwood

... regulating the amount of deposit is effected very simply, and, in fact, almost automatically. Indeed, one of the most interesting features of the process is its great simplicity, although it is somewhat more costly than the ordinary methods of producing incandescence lamps. After having been subjected to the action of the gas for two or three hours, the filament is taken from the glass globe, its diameter is carefully measured, the length is calibrated, and it is set on a platinum support, to ...
— Scientific American Supplement, No. 488, May 9, 1885 • Various

... pity upon us. We are brands plucked from the burning." And continued for several minutes to descant upon the theme of everlasting torture by incandescence and thirst. Nominally addressing a deity, but in fact preaching to his audience, he announced that, even for the veriest infant on a lorry, there was no escape from the eternal fires save by complete immersion ...
— Clayhanger • Arnold Bennett

... room. The despair of that call is unforgettable, like that of one suddenly falling into space. Then the light dropped to the floor. I could see the outlines of his figure and a weird, single string of incandescence. Hobart turned and I leaped. It was a blur, the form of a man melting into nothing. I sprang into the room, tearing down the curtains. Hobart was on top of me. But we were too late. I could feel the vibrancy of something uncanny as I rushed across the space intervening. Through my ...
— The Blind Spot • Austin Hall and Homer Eon Flint

... will remember, is an ocean of fluid matter. The ocean of flame which surrounds the sun is gaseous matter—or a sort of ocean of air, in a state of incandescence. This does not touch the sun, but floats round it, upon or above another atmosphere of another kind—like the way in which our clouds float in the air over our heads. You know how breaks come and go in the clouds; so you can imagine that this luminous covering of the sun parts in places, and shews ...
— Melbourne House, Volume 1 • Susan Warner

... mottled red and orange in the double sunlight and, in shaded places, with the natural yellow of the vegetation of Kwannon. The aircar began a slow swing to the left, and Gettler Alpha came into view, a monstrous smear of red incandescence with an optical diameter of two feet at arm's length, slightly flattened on the bottom by the western horizon. In another couple of hours it would be completely set, but by that time Beta, the planet's G-class primary, would be at its midafternoon ...
— Oomphel in the Sky • Henry Beam Piper

... telescope. The conflagration produced by the impact would thus appear where nothing had been seen previously. Again, a similar effect might be produced by a dark body, or a star too faint to be seen, being heated to incandescence by plunging in its course through a nebulous mass of matter, of which there are many examples ...
— Astronomy of To-day - A Popular Introduction in Non-Technical Language • Cecil G. Dolmage

... jewels on bare shoulders, light silks, and sweeping plumes—the butterflies of fashion or folly hurrying out on their evening trysts. Broadway, with its hundreds of sights and sounds, was before me in the hour of its transformation, the street lamps breaking into incandescence, and the huge electric signs beginning to glare above the theatre entrances. By the time I reached the Waldorf, that high abode of Yankee royalty, the kinks and curlicues were so far ironed from my nerves ...
— Frenzied Finance - Vol. 1: The Crime of Amalgamated • Thomas W. Lawson

... till it became a roaring flame that laughed at those two candles, then till the flame died down and left it all aglow; then till the fire reached its heart and broke it, and it fell, and flickered up again and died, and slowly resolved itself into a hillock of red ember and creeping incandescence, a treasury still of memories of the woodlands and the coming of the spring, and the growth ...
— When Ghost Meets Ghost • William Frend De Morgan

... pearly tables, which melt at 43 deg. to a liquid which boils undecomposed at 210 deg.. When this substance is brought in contact with fused phosphorus an intense action occurs, the whole mass inflames with evolution of violet vapor of iodine. Red phosphorus also reacts with incandescence when heated in the vapor of boron iodide. The reaction may, however, be moderated by employing solutions of phosphorus and boron iodide in dry carbon bisulphide. The two solutions are mixed in a tube closed at one end, a little phosphorus being in excess, and the tube is then ...
— Scientific American Supplement, No. 841, February 13, 1892 • Various

Words linked to "Incandescence" :   light, incandescent, incandesce, visible light, glow

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