Ionization n. (Elec. Chem.) The process of converting neutral atoms or molecules into ions. The process may occur by dissolving an ionic substance in a dissociating solvent, such as water, or by adding or subtracting an electron to or from an atom or molecule. The latter process occurs, for example, in an electron beam in a mass spectrometer and by interaction of substances with ionizing radiation.
... sent to Jupiter's poles to watch and measure and study the tremendous auroral displays there, where Jupiter's vast magnetic field sucked in countless quintillions of the flying electrons from the sun, and brought them circling in, in a vast, magnificent display of auroral ionization. ... — The Ultimate Weapon • John Wood Campbell Read full book for free!
... deadly fascination. The personification of power—the incredibly intense spot of incandescent vapor, the tiny sphere of blue-green fire, the spinning surge of that shining pool, the intense glare of ionization. ... — Empire • Clifford Donald Simak Read full book for free!